Dear Friends and Family

I want to share with you that the Lord has opened a wonderful opportunity for me to lead a mission trip this coming March 25-April 7, 2025, to the Eastern European country of Croatia, which has a less than .3% evangelical Christian population.

 Our team of women in ministry leadership has the following focus areas…

  • Ministering and supporting a women’s conference.

  • Providing funds to sponsor women who might be unable to attend the conference otherwise.

  • Teaching, discipling, and encouraging various churches.

  • Working predominantly with Pastors and National Foursquare Leaders Mario and Bonnie Ducic in the capital city of Zagreb.

  • Serving and ministering with the Roma people (gypsies)

  • Prayer walking through the cities, towns, and villages the Lord places us.

  • Seizing opportunities to share the love and power of Jesus with everyone we meet!

  • And, personally, to encourage others to lead mission outreaches.

 First and foremost, I request your prayers for this trip as the Lord leads you. Prayer is by far the most essential aspect of this journey. I can’t stress that enough. It is through prayer that this trip is even possible!

Along with prayer, if you would like to invest in this mission trip ($3,000), no matter the amount small or large, that would be a huge blessing. The cost listed will cover all our trip expenses, plus provide funds to sponsor women to attend the conference or will be donated to Pastor Mario’s growing church ministry or for the churches we visit.

Because we are now purchasing our airline tickets and securing our housing due to current low rates, my deadline for donations is October 30, 2024. Yes, I will happily accept funds after that date, but crucial expense needs are now happening. (Link and QR Code to donate are below.)

As I leave you to consider all that you just read, I also want to pray this over us, from 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it.”

To make a tax-deductible contribution in support of this ministry trip by credit or debit card, click the DONATE BY CARD button. To donate by check, click the DONATE BY CHECK button. You will be able to designate which person from our team you are contributing to on the Information Page.