Morning Moments ~ Ministry Break!

Hi Everyone!

The Lord has given me the wonderful opportunity to lead a small group of women in ministry leadership on a mission trip to the beautiful European nations of Croatia and Slovenia, March 25-April 7, 2025.

We will be ministering at a women's conference and then in several churches over the following days. Although I will return home on April 7th, I will extend my time from posting here through April 12.

I sure would love your prayers for our team! We are expecting that we will see folks come to Christ, be set free in their lives, and be healed physically. He is so faithful to His Word, and His Name is above all others.

Thank you for your continued support for this FB Page and much love to you all!
Psalm 16:11

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ March 24, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer…

Dear Heavenly Father…I am so thankful that I am held safe and secure in Your Almighty hands today and forever. I lift up the praise and worship You are due, proclaiming Your love, might, and power to everyone I meet. And I pray Your kingdom down into every situation I face ________ (name them). You rule and reign! What a load off of my shoulders and heart, that as I trust You, Your peace assures me, and Your presence fills me by the Holy Spirit. May I bring a smile to Your face today as I surrender all my life to You. I am crazy in love with You, Lord, and in the Magnificent Name of Your Son, the Lord Jesus, I pray. Amen!

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
John 14:6

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ March 23, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer…

Dear Lord Jesus…I know that even before I ask, You have supplied all of my need for every area of my life. Emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually, Your Word tells me that I find completion, wholeness, and fullness in Your presence and I rest in this truth. I tell worry to get behind me in Your name and I refuse any advance of the enemy (he is so weak!) to try to throw a wet blanket of anxiety over my soul. You alone, Lord, are everything and I seal this prayer in Your Beautiful Name, Lord Jesus. Amen!

And my God shall supply all your need
according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ March 22, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer...

Dear Heavenly Father...I know You are with me. The prayer requests I lift up to Your throne _______ (name your top three concerns) I leave COMPLETELY in Your almighty care. I call Your Kingdom come in each of these lives and/or circumstances, and I will not try to figure out how You will answer these requests. I cancel every work of the enemy in these situations and declare Jesus is LORD and in His Majestic Name, I pray. Amen!

...that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
of those in heaven, and of those on earth,
and of those under the earth,...

Philippians 2:10

Morning Moment of Prayer ...

Morning Moment of Prayer…

Dear Lord Jesus…Thank you for the hope I sense in your presence today. Even as the world groans under the weight of war, irregular climate, violence, illness, and so much more, I find my rest and joy in You alone. What a gift! I am so grateful to be Your child! Your covering of power and rescue guards my steps and keeps me safe. I ask to be a conduit of intercession today. Please open my eyes to really see everyone around me and what You are up to in their lives that I can pray into. Eyes off me and onto what You are up to. I am so ready! In Lord Jesus’ Beautiful Name, I pray. Amen!

Through the LORD's mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23

NOTE: So sorry for missing some days! We have been at a pastors’ conference in Florida with weak wifi and hotspot!

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ March 17, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer...

Dear Lord Jesus...With wars and rumors of wars taking place, my heart safely rests in You. I pray for these conflicts around the globe ________ (name them). You gave Your life so that every man, woman, or child from every tribe, nation, and tongue could be redeemed by Your selfless and sacrificial love. Today, in my small corner of this planet, I pray to be Holy Spirit empowered to demonstrate Your love, healing, and deliverance. Make whatever adjustments are needed in me to accomplish the work of Your great commission. I love You with all my heart and in Your Name Above All Names, I pray, King Jesus. Amen!

He is my loving ally and my fortress,
my tower of safety, my rescuer.
He is my shield, and I take refuge in him.
He makes the nations submit to me.

Psalm 144:2 NLT

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ March 16, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer…

Dear Lord Jesus…How grateful I am that You hold me close to Your heart! Thank you that in this moment I can release every care and concern I have into Your almighty hands. I especially pray for world events, and I speak Your name, Lord Jesus over these world situations _________ (take time and let the Holy Spirit lead you as you do this). You rule and You reign, and I am so very thankful for the steadfast peace that passes all understanding, filling my heart and mind up even as I declare Your Lordship. This day is Yours, and in Your Superlative name, I pray, King Jesus. Amen!

Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' "For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.”
Matthew 6:31-32

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ March 14, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer...

Dear Heavenly Father...I worship and adore You! You alone are my Rock, Fortress, and Deliverer. Your Word alone is truth and as I navigate this noisy world, I’ve come to realize that You are the quiet and calm in every storm. Through personal circumstances or world-wide events, You alone reign and because of the Holy Spirit’s overwhelming presence in my life, I face this day with overwhelming joy, over-the-top fulfillment, and clarity in my purpose. I pray Your Kingdom come today, Your rule alone in these situations ______ (take time to name them). I speak Your Name Lord Jesus over each of them! Amen.

 They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house,
And You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures.

Psalm 36:8 NKJV

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ March 13,2025

Morning Moment of Prayer…

Dear Lord Jesus…How gracious and marvelous You are! It is never too late to turn to You, and it is never too late to have a new beginning in our lives. I pray today for those who are in the valley of decision about You. With the world gone crazy, You are our Rock, Shelter, and Hiding Place. Your power to heal, save, and deliver has not diminished since when You first walked the earth. I ask for the Holy Spirit to move upon any life reading this, that they will recognize You are the real deal, and their hearts would be open to receive You. Simply ask You, Jesus, to come into their lives. In Your Magnificent Name, Lord. Amen!

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.
John 1:12

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ March 12, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer…

Dear Lord Jesus…I am so amazed by Your very present love that never ceases to pursue me. You have never given up on me, even when I have failed You. Your cleansing blood is relieving me of all unforgiveness, bitterness, or resentment that I have held toward anyone. What freedom there is in forgiving others, and even more, receiving Your forgiveness and forgiveness from others. I am forever grateful that You call me Your child. I am redeemed, I am chosen, and I am Yours. May all I do today bring You praise. In All-Encompassing Name, Lord Jesus. Amen!

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
James 1:17

Hey Everyone! I’ve had the amazing privilege of partnering with a missions organization to write a Prayer Plan interceding for the unreached people of the MENACA region of the world: Middle East, North Africa, & Central Asia. Please join me and thousands of others as we pray for those who don’t know Jesus yet in this region, especially through the Muslim holiday, Ramadan, which is taking place now. Find the plan by CLICKING HERE, which will direct you to the YouVersion Bible app. Let’s pray together for these folks so loved by the Lord to come home to Him!

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ March 11, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer...

Dear Heavenly Father...I love You this morning...and always! How grateful I am to be held securely in Your hands when all the world, finances, prices, life, weather, and people stuff are going up, down, and sideways! You said it would be so, and I love how I can live in the ‘shalom’ of Your blessing (Hebrew for health, wholeness, peace, fulfillment, and so much more!) in the midst of all the chaos. As I wait upon You and surrender all to the work of the Holy Spirit in my life, You are transforming more and more into the image of Your Son. Keep going! And it is in His Majestic Name, King Jesus, I seal this prayer. Amen!

Wait for and confidently expect the LORD;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for and confidently expect the LORD.

Psalm 27:14 AMP

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ March 9, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer...

Dear Lord Jesus...I worship and adore You, my Rock, my Strength, and My Fortress ______ (take time to offer your own words of praise). As another day begins with You, I can’t wait to see what adventures You have in store for me. From the ordinary to the extraordinary, I ask for Your Spirit’s help to keep renewing my mind, healing my body, and transforming my emotions to align with Yours. I want to live in Your Shalom (health, wholeness, wellness, goodness, prosperity of soul, and peace). May everything I do bring You glory as You hold this day in Your hands. Your Kingdom come, Lord! And in Your All-Sufficient Name, I pray, King Jesus. Amen!

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ March 6, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer...

 Dear Lord Jesus...As world events go up, down, and sideways, I am SO thankful that YOU are the ROCK and CORNERSTONE of my life! How grateful I am that when my eyes are fixed upon You, living in Your presence in the Holy Spirit’s power and standing firmly upon the authority of Your Word, I live on purpose in the abundance of Your plans for me. my life can seem to go up, down, and sideways at times, You are always with me. The Holy Spirit’s supernatural gifts astound me (1 Cor. 12:7-10), and His fruit is transforming me from the inside out! (Gal. 5:22-25). Let’s get this day started in the power of Your Name, King Jesus. Amen!

 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.
Psalm 143:8 NIV

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ March 5, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer…

Dear Lord Jesus...Today, in the quiet of this moment, I behold Your beauty. I adore You, Lord God, and once again, I pour out my life before You so that I might be filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit's love, power, discernment, compassion, and gifts. As I prepare my heart to worship You, I am reminded of all that You have done for me. In turn, I pray to bless, encourage, comfort, and pray for those in need around me. I pray again for events in the Middle East and Ukraine, for multiplied numbers of folks to turn to You. May they sense Your presence as I do now. In the Name of the Everlasting King Jesus. Amen!

For he loves us with unfailing love;
the LORD's faithfulness endures forever.
Praise the LORD!

Psalm 117:2 NLT

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ March 4, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer...

Dear Heavenly Father...Today I know that I am cupped in the palm of Your Almighty hands and I worship You with a full and grateful heart. There is no one like You who holds my life so intimately and loves me still as You continually bring healing to my life. I pray to walk in Holy Spirit power today and may every encounter I have bring glory to Your name and and encouragement and restoration to any who cross my path. Open my eyes to see like You do. In the Name of the One Who Loves me Most, Lord Jesus. Amen!

The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack.
He makes me lie down in [fresh, tender] green pastures; He leads me beside the still and restful waters.

Psalm 23:1-2

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ March 3, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer...

 Dear Lord Jesus...At the start of this week and this day, I set my heart and mind on You! I ask for Your Holy Spirit overflow in these times when the world is in such upheaval and people are looking to leaders, money, celebrity, influence, or you name it to fulfill their lives what only You can give. And what unspeakable fulfillment and purpose You have given me! Me, who was once so lost and broken, but You are restoring and making whole. Every day, You invite me to go deeper...deeper in Your presence, the authority of Your Word, and the leading and overflow of the Holy Spirit. Here I am today, Lord! In Your Name That is Above All Names, King Jesus. Amen!

When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”
Luke 5:4

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ March 1, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer…

Dear Lord Jesus…I turn my whole heart towards You before this day begins. I worship and adore You, Lord, and lift up my words of praise _________ (do so by listing some of His wonderful characteristics!). I pray today for all those facing war and instability around the world. I pray for rescue, safety, help, and comfort for those who are struggling, especially the very young, the elderly, and those who are unhoused. I also lift up those that I know that are facing challenging circumstances within my own circle of influence __________ (name them). I declare Your covering and healing touch for each of these situations, in Your Name Above All Names, King Jesus. Amen!

Every morning
you’ll hear me at it again.
Every morning
I lay out the pieces of my life
on your altar
and watch for fire to descend.

Psalm 5:3 MSG

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ February 28, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer...

Dear Lord Jesus...How amazing is Your peace beyond understanding. When anxious thoughts or a sense of worry might want to overtake me, I am so blessed to steal time with You in the power of the Holy Spirit. And as He leads me to press through distractions to be in Your presence, I am overwhelmed with Your calm. Indeed, You are the eye of every hurricane. Today, I want to lift up my loved ones, friends, and acquaintances that have been diagnosed with cancer _______ (take time to name them and carefully pray for each one). In Your Name, King Jesus, I rebuke every cancer cell in their bodies and ask for Your healing touch. What an honor to partner with You, Lord. Amen!

You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him on high, because he has known My name.

Psalm 91:13-14

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ February 18, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer...

Dear Lord Jesus...With so much going on in the world, I am grateful that when I set my heart and mind on You, as I do this moment ______ (take time to do this by speaking words of praise and worship), I am kept in Your perfect peace through the Holy Spirit. You are my ally in every situation, and as I face this day, I know that You will guide my every step as I lean into Your still, small voice to my heart. I praise You that there is no confusion in Your presence, and I walk in the clarity of Your Word and love today. Let’s go! In Your Superlative Name, King Jesus. Amen!

He is my loving ally and my fortress,
my tower of safety, my rescuer.
He is my shield, and I take refuge in him.
He makes the nations submit to me.

Psalm 144:2 NLT

NOTE: In one month, I will be leading a team of women in ministry leadership to help with a women's conference in Croatia! We will also be ministering in various churches and fellowships and prayer walking wherever we go. If you feel led to partner with us in prayer, please leave a comment below. If you feel led to support our efforts, simply Google: Sue Boldt Croatia, and it will lead you to more information and a donation button on my website. Thank you!

Morning Moment of Prayer ~ February 17, 2025

Morning Moment of Prayer…

Dear Lord Jesus…I am so grateful You know the way for me to walk. I rest in Your leading as I look forward to this coming day and week. Your perspective is not only eternal, but also, You know what’s up ahead, who is involved, and what is the best path for me to take through this broken and fallen world. I look to You for everything and may those I come in contact with sense Your presence in my life through the Holy Spirit. I am ready. In Your Name Above All Names, King Jesus. Amen!

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”
Matthew 16:24