What an interesting and intriguing verse...
"Then the whole assembly agreed to keep the feast another seven days, and they kept it another seven days with gladness."
2 Chronicles 30:23
In ancient Israel...away from God, Israel...King Hezekiah turns the wayward nation back to the Lord. In the context where this wonder-filled, over-the-top joy passage is found, he has just re-introduced the Passover Feast to the people.
They go berserk...
They go bananas...
They rejoice in such a way that had not been seen in this lost nation for years and years...
They don't want to stop the celebration...they just don't want it to end...And neither should we...
They are celebrating God and His delivering power.
JOY is at the heart of the gospel..."for the joy set before Him (Jesus), He endured...the...cross...for us." Joy is at the heart of His message...that abiding in His love enables us to walk in obedience to His commands and experience HIS fullness of joy..not the world's shallow, fleeting attempts at happiness.
We all need to live in the exceeding joy of the Jesus.
I have known despair and depression...and I have known exceeding bliss. The latter is better...much better.....so...where are you on the joy gauge today?
It might be time to turn back to the Lord and let Him show you where and when you left His path of joy. Then...beat it back asap to where you took the detour. The Holy Spirit will help you...and...He will cause your weary heart to rejoice...think of it...rejoice = re-joy...to rejoice in the Lord means to have joy, over and over, and over again...just like Israel did...