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In time for Christmas, we heard wonderful news yesterday!

“What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?”
Luke 15:4

Our American missionary friends, serving the Lord with Youth With a Mission in Taiwan, just found out their adopted Taiwanese son is now an American citizen. This amazing couple with three darling, biological children adopted their little boy some time ago, yet the much-needed citizenship for his travel with their entire family had eluded them for over a year. Heather and Rich prayed, battled in the Spirit, worked with the governing authorities, never losing hope that their child would truly be an integral part of their family...

How much more is God’s pursuit of us? Do we doubt that today? Do we doubt that He really cares? The Christmas story is the account of God Almighty pursuing the one – pursuing you. Pursuing me. Never giving up, unrelenting, undeterred, He comes after us every moment of every day. Nevertheless, do we allow the enemy’s lies to meticulously defeat our faith that this is so?

It is time to stop these audacious lies this minute. It will take a deep drenching of verse above in our souls and a willful choice of our thoughts and the authority of Jesus’ name, but His words are truth. They are the heart of Christmas.

Let’s let His words rule each of our hearts and minds this wondrous season.

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At the Start of the Week...

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At the start of this week...

Should your Christmas tree fall over, your pocketbook is beyond empty, and your heart feels ambushed, take a minute alone. Breathe deeply of the Holy Spirit within you. He can unfurl new strength into your weary soul, your over-scheduled life, and the to-do lists that are out of control. Spend some time with the One and Only who alone can restore and refresh you. Ponder His words. What is He saying to you? Now listen and respond.

Should your spouse be unresponsive, your kids uncooperative, and your dog just downright unruly, maybe they are picking up on your stress. Yes, really. Draw close your Heavenly Father who will caress you in His embrace, calm your raging storms, and speak peace into your situations. Stop and look for His wonder during this special season...you don’t want to miss His kisses to you.

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes to be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because He Who is in you is greater than anything!  1 John 4:4





Do you have messy stuff in your life right now? I do...

“And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”  Luke 2:7

I love that the story of Christmas is God coming down into the midst of messiness. Our messiness. Manger, stable, cows, sheep, and goat’s kind of messiness. The stuff that trips us up so much, but when He is invited in, these situations and surroundings of ours encounter holiness, healthiness, soundness, and unspeakable joy.

The divine encountering our real-life issues and changing them from the ragged, torn, worn, and weary to robes of glory.

What situation in your soul or life do you need to invite Him to invade? I just spent some time with Him and He lifted my burden and replaced it with His presence and promise. Let Jesus do this for you, too, don’t waste another minute carrying a messy load that only He can transform.

At the Start of This Week...and Crazy-Wonderful Christmas Season...

At the start of this week and crazy-wonderful Christmas season...

Should Black Friday have been a bust, your wallet tapped out, and your weight on the bathroom scale is soaring, take heart!! Look to the One who is the source of all joy, all peace, all goodness, and all power. Lean hard into Jesus' embrace and draw your strength from His presence and His Word alone.

Should you already be feeling overwhelmed by the holidays, feeling underwhelmed by a lack of Christmas spirit, or you simply dread facing a new day. There is ALWAYS hope. His Name is King Jesus. He came to give you fresh daily vision and purpose for your life, effervescent joy, and peace that passes all understanding. Just one caveat: you need to surrender your life to Him completely. An uneven trade if there ever was one. Don't hesitate, just DO IT! Jesus is LORD.

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes to be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because He Who is in you is greater than anything!   1 John 4:4

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