

I was just looking at Macy’s online.

Yes. I am a big Macy’s fan. Truly. Ask my family.

For a long season – shall we say many, many years – I mean decades, I looked for outside stuff to satisfy my soul. More likely, I was looking for stuff to fill the deep insecurities about myself. We shop to feel good. At least some of us do. You know who you are and if this isn’t your issue, may I ask, where do you look to find fulfillment?

"…But those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing."  Psalm 34:10b

Short and simple. To the point. Only Jesus can fill those places in our souls that stay so hungry. Only the Holy Spirit can thrill those ravenous places in our hearts and minds with His Presence.

Take it from one who knows. Take it from one whose Macy’s card was demoted by the company (glory to God!) as He became more real to her.

When you have Jesus, you have everything.



Rocket Science...

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I don’t think knowing God’s will for your life is rocket science.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 NLT

To know God’s personal adventure for you – the word plan here is simply way too tame – you and I need to have a paradigm shift in the way we think. Yes, a complete overhaul.

I didn’t have a clue how much the world influenced the way I thought and it still can often have a pretty good grip on me. However, the wind of the Holy Spirit began blowing some cobwebs – some chains – away. Only He could do that.

The shift in my thinking came when I didn’t just read the Bible to learn more, but when I also lapped up His word with the intent of hearing what He had to say to me personally. I started to know and recognize His voice, His heart, His way of doing things, and His will for me.

Nope. Not rocket science. It is simply having my thoughts and life transformed by the Master Creator.