This is one of those times I am writing for someone in particular…no…I don’t know who it is, but someone needs to hear this:
It is time to take care of some unforgiveness in your life. In other words…it is time to let go and forgive…yes, truly forgive everyone that you need to. It is harming you far more than you could possibly imagine.
Right now…as you read this…some name(s) are going through your mind (and heart).
Some of these persons have done some horrendous hurts to you either mentally, emotionally, and/or physically. It seems impossible to forgive them. However, in the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord will help you to release their “debt” to you in layers. One peel back of unforgiveness at a time. It will take time…but Jesus has all the time in the world. You have to start somewhere.
“And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.”
Matthew 6:12
The Lord continues His message a few verses later (vs.14-15)…saying you won’t be able to truly experience the Lord’s forgiveness for you…as long as you hold onto these hurts. Of course, there is too much to say here in this short message…however…if you have been around Jesus for a while…you know this is the heart of the gospel…forgiveness is HIS heart…always.
So…take some time…now…not later. Start laying some names before the Lord and asking for His help. He will not fail you (nor the perpetrators)…He will bring release, healing, and redemption. But it starts with you saying…a simple… “Yes, I am ready Lord.”
photo: Valitova