At the Start of this Week...


At the start of this week...

Should you lock your keys in the car, leave your phone at the last store you visited, or your just plain old want to go back to bed and bury your head under the covers, remember! The Word of God is the absolute truth: This is the day the Lord has made – for you! Make the first thing you do next be to take some time in His presence, opening The Bible and let Him restore your soul.

Should you receive a not so good diagnosis, a troubling email, or a phone call that sends you reeling, draw near to the One who holds all the answers. Who IS the answer. Make King Jesus your one and only priority and place every issue into His capable hands. He is able, He is willing, He is LORD.

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes to be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because He Who is in you is greater than anything! 
1 John 4:4

At the Start of the Week...

Before I ask.jpg

At the start of this week...

Should your Christmas tree fall over, your pocketbook is beyond empty, and your heart feels ambushed, take a minute alone. Breathe deeply of the Holy Spirit within you. He can unfurl new strength into your weary soul, your over-scheduled life, and the to-do lists that are out of control. Spend some time with the One and Only who alone can restore and refresh you. Ponder His words. What is He saying to you? Now listen and respond.

Should your spouse be unresponsive, your kids uncooperative, and your dog just downright unruly, maybe they are picking up on your stress. Yes, really. Draw close your Heavenly Father who will caress you in His embrace, calm your raging storms, and speak peace into your situations. Stop and look for His wonder during this special don’t want to miss His kisses to you.

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes to be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because He Who is in you is greater than anything!  1 John 4:4




His Joy...My Strength

If the Christian’s strength is the joy of the Lord…it is not rocket science to realize…that our adversary will attack our joy. (Nehemiah 8:10)

“You will show me the path of life;

In Your presence is fullness of joy;

At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Psalm 16:11

I have been a Christian a long time. I for sure don’t know it all or have it all together…however…I have found that joy…Holy Spirit overflow, buckets-full, drenching to and through the skin joy…takes place when I make room for time in God’s presence. Often.

So…any time…any amount of time…whether short or lengthy…that we set aside to spend basking in the Lord’s presence and feasting on His Word will ALWAYS be opposed. If the enemy of your soul can separate you…from time spent…with the Almighty…the battle for other areas of your life is almost surely going to fall in the devil’s direction.

So…this isn’t a call to spend time with the Lord out of duty or guilt…no…this is call to keep your joy in Him brimming. Your strength…in Him.  When hard things hit…your joy and assured walk in His presence and Word will be more than enough to sustain you. And…when life is rich and sweet…His joy will certainly bring even greater enhancement.

So…I’ve gotta run…I have date in His presence and Word planned!


photo: Joaquin Villanueva


Unending Joy!

What an interesting and intriguing verse...

"Then the whole assembly agreed to keep the feast another seven days, and they kept it another seven days with gladness."
2 Chronicles 30:23

In ancient Israel...away from God, Israel...King Hezekiah turns the wayward nation back to the Lord. In the context where this wonder-filled, over-the-top joy passage is found, he has just re-introduced the Passover Feast to the people.

They go berserk...
They go bananas...
They rejoice in such a way that had not been seen in this lost nation for years and years...
They don't want to stop the celebration...they just don't want it to end...And neither should we...

They are celebrating God and His delivering power.

JOY is at the heart of the gospel..."for the joy set before Him (Jesus), He endured...the...cross...for us." Joy is at the heart of His message...that abiding in His love enables us to walk in obedience to His commands and experience HIS fullness of joy..not the world's shallow, fleeting attempts at happiness.

We all need to live in the exceeding joy of the Jesus.

I have known despair and depression...and I have known exceeding bliss. The latter is better...much are you on the joy gauge today?

It might be time to turn back to the Lord and let Him show you where and when you left His path of joy. Then...beat it back asap to where you took the detour. The Holy Spirit will help you...and...He will cause your weary heart to rejoice...think of it...rejoice = rejoice in the Lord means to have joy, over and over, and over again...just like Israel did...