Worrier...or Warrior?

Are you a worrier...or a warrior?

Recently…our CrossPointe group at work met and praised God for His mighty hand of bringing one of our posse through breast cancer. At the end of our time together we did a prayer walk around our building, speaking Jesus’ health, healing, and salvation to those who pass through our doors…yeah…pretty cool stuff.

However, getting back to our workmate, who just came through monumental surgery with clean margins and no need for radiation or chemo…

The day before her surgery a bunch of us gathered to pray for her. This beautiful lady had encouraged us so much with her radiant peace and joy…as she expressed…that had only come from giving her life to Jesus just a couple of years ago. Then, she said the funniest thing…

“I come from a long line of worriers. No…not warriors…but worriers.”

We all laughed…nevertheless…the Spirit was speaking…

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD…
For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes… And will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit.”
Jeremiah 17:7-8

So…I’m simply asking…as you read this, which camp do you fall into? A worrier? Or, are you a warrior? Need to jump ship and swim to the other side? What are you waiting for…

(Read all of Jeremiah 17:5-18…it will knock your socks off!)

photo: Summer Watkins

His Peace...No Matter What

A young friend recently asked me my "take" on all of the developments in the Middle East...and around the world...

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
John 14:27

Truthfully, I don't think we have seen anything yet...however, I think the more important matter is how we, His church and bride, are responding to the daily news...

Yes, I am praying and "battling" in prayer for the regions around the globe that are in such tremendous turmoil. This is the hour for His loved ones to pray heaven down, just as He taught us (Matthew 6:10). When I don't know how to pray...I let prayer in the Spirit take over. I believe in the power of prayer, as I know you do, too.

Nevertheless, what I feel compelled to write about is our propensity to come under...fear.

From Jesus' words above and MANY other places in the Word, fear and anxiety are not our portion. If fear arises in us, I think we then have to ask the Holy Spirit...what is it that we are really afraid of? What is the lie we are believing...because the Lord tells us that real peace, the peace that passes understanding is found ONLY in Him...as we are rooted and grounded in His love. This promise is given to us over and over, and over again from Genesis to Revelation...

As the world grows darker, we...His Body...filled with the Light of the World...the One and Only...grows brighter. Let us pray hard, love everyone tenaciously, look for the miraculous, and lead souls to Christ...the Prince of Peace.


photo: Rylee Hitchner Photography