For Such a Time...

When I was younger, I wished that I could have lived in the Wild West of the 1800’s... 

All those beautiful horses, wide open land, and big Montana skies that went on forever. Never mind that there were no microwaves, cell phones, malls, or Amazon…nope I would not have lasted a week.

Then, when raising my kids, I looked back over my shoulder to the 1950’s…sort of the age of innocence…the Wonder Years.

"For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"
Esther 4:14

No…I was born for this time, in this place, in this moment of history…for such a time as this…and you were placed, born, and set, where you are at this moment…for His bidding, His purposes, His designs, as well. Just like Queen Esther. 

And if we remain silent…about the healing, delivering, life-giving, life-changing gospel in our circle of influence…Jesus will bring someone else…to do what He specifically called each one of us to do. And, someone else will experience the overwhelming fulfillment and the "high" of exquisite joy when partnering with Jesus to touch lives.

If you read my posts, you know that I am all about a love relationship with Jesus and not “works.”

However, ministry takes place from the overflow of time spent with the Lord Jesus, cultivating hearing the Holy Spirit’s leading, and knowing the power and authority of God’s Written Word, the Bible, inside-out and backwards…

So…this is just a gentle reminder to you (and myself) that each day has purpose in Him, and we live in a desperate world, in the midst of desperate times. A world that needs the love and healing of the Lord Jesus in this moment…for such a time as this…

photo: Schoengeist

(Dear Reader...I may not be able to post the next few days due to sharing at a Women's Retreat. I will post as soon as possible!!)