
Can there be such a thing as … “The Best Bible Story?”

Well…the story of one of Israel's battles ('cause they had quite a few...kinda like we do) certainly ranks among the top Bible accounts.

Nutshell:  Israel was about to be annihilated by her enemies. King Jehoshaphat called a fast (yes, fasting often precedes spiritual advancement for God’s Kingdom) and calls the nation to no-holds-barred prayer.  The Spirit speaks through a prophet who tells the people, 

“And he said, "Listen, all you of Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem, and you, King Jehoshaphat! Thus says the LORD to you: 'Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's.”
2 Chronicles 20:15

Israel defeats her enemy by…singing….yes, singing.  Singing God’s praises.  (Kind of out-of-the-box warfare…don’t you think?)

There is much, much, much to receive from 2 Chronicles 20...however...I sense the Lord wanting me to only direct your attention to one aspect of the story…one word… “Listen.”

Whatever it is we are facing, or someone we love is facing…the first and best thing we can do after pouring our hearts out to God is to listen for...His voice. For as surely as He spoke to Israel…He will speak to our hearts…He calls us to listen.  Listen first…then obey…

Then stand back as He moves on our behalf. 


photo: Once Wed




He was Invited...

Hmmmm...I am pondering the amazing story of Jesus' turning a wedding upside-down...

"Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding."
John 2:2

Jesus came because He was invited.
He did something no one could/would dream of or anticipate.
He turned something colorless and odorless...into the exquisitely, most vibrant, best...that it could ever become...

I want to invite Him into every detail of my day, today. I don't want to tell Him what to do, (what was Mary thinking....that He would run out to Bevmo?), or how to do it. I want to invite Him to some big events taking place soon...and some little events, too. (Because really...everything we do IS important). What will He do?

He is calling me to lay down every preconceived idea I have and just wait to see what He does.

I want...I need...for Him to show up tonight as I gather with other believers in community. I am inviting Him to come and turn my world upside-down...or right-side up, as the case may be.

What do you need to invite Him to today? Will you let Him do it His way?

You won't be will be over-the-top.


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At the Start of This Week...

At the start of this week…

If you are facing major, or not so major decisions…rely on the Holy Spirit to lead you. He will. However…be willing to do what He is speaking to you. That willingness is called…surrender! Don’t miss God’s best for you by settling for what seems quick or easy. His best…is outrageously the BEST!

If you need to forgive someone, no matter how slight or large the offense. Get to it pronto!! Ask for Jesus’ help! He has completely forgiven you…He WILL give you the strength to forgive others.

If you need sleep, rest, or refreshment for your body, soul, or spirit…take it! Make finding time from your crazy schedule to 1.) Be in His presence and Word. 2.) Get good sleep 3.) Get outside and take a technology break. Fill your mind and heart with His beauty that surrounds.

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes that will be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because Who is in you is greater than anything! 
1 John 4:4


photo: Classy in the City