He...Will do it...

Just a few years ago I kept hearing the whisper of the Holy Spirit say..."I will do it!" 

"He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it."
1 Thessalonians 5:24

I honestly had no clue at the time what He might be referring to. I just kept hearing this phrase, over and over.

About a month into this continual impression on my heart, our son took a drastic turn away from his faith and family. Oh...my....gosh.
Has anybody have their world drop out from under them?

The Lord Jesus is fantastic, amazing, awesome, and wild! He already knew what my husband and I would face and He was telling us that ...HE would do it! HE would bring full restoration. Other brothers and sisters in the faith, not knowing anything, would speak the scripture above to us...a divine echo of reassurance.

You know what? God did DO it! Within months, our son had his own Damascus Road experience (Look up Acts 9:1-22 for the story).

What are you facing today? Whatever it is...let God DO IT! Don't try to figure it out. Be absolutely obedient to what He tells you. Don't try to HELP Him out. If you are in control...He isn't.

Read the verse at the top, again. Let it sink into your soul. Look at the verse prior to it (v.23), you'll see that it pertains to everything in your life...

God will DO IT! (If...you let Him!)


photo: Donal Skehan