Silent Night...Holy Night...

Silent Night…Holy Night...(yes, I realize it's still summer!)

When our Savior entered the world as a wee babe…fully God…fully man…He was entering enemy territory. 

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
Ephesians 6:12

Jesus’ walk upon earth was a rescue mission…and things haven’t changed. As we take a brief look at Ephesians 6:10-20 (see the previous two day’s posts) we hear the Apostle Paul’s urgency in His voice for the church to wake up…put on the armor of God…and do battle against the enemy…not against other people.

How quickly I get my eyes on stuff, situations, and yes, others…when the real conflict is against demon hordes and the enemy himself? Yet, Jesus has called us…to be an army that battles…on our knees. 

What are you facing? Who are you directing your anger, anguish, or irritation towards? It might be time to let the Holy Spirit reveal what is really going on…who the real culprit is. Then…and only then, real victory can be secured in Jesus’ Name.

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(photo: Modcloth)

Quieting the Noise...

I often think how noisy the enemy of our souls is…

“For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head."
Psalm 85:2-3

The trouble is…our lives are just plain noisy enough without his help! I hope you get my drift: we can get SO busy. Then…add the pull of social media (the irony is not lost on me here!). 

Yes…it is the stuff of living in this day and age…still, the enemy…the devil…can be right in the midst of making so much noise,…so much distraction…that we can completely miss the Lord’s voice to us altogether.

I alone hold the volume tuner to my heart and mind. I hear the Spirit best, when I am quiet, alone for a bit, and expectant. That takes practice. That takes time. It will be opposed. I have to choose what is most important (Him!) and let the rest of life’s noise fall away. 

Do you, like me, have a lot of “noise” in your life right now? It’s time to get quiet. Time for some nose-in-the-carpet time.  It’s time to let the Prince of Peace call the playbook of our lives...and quiet the tumult.

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photo: my daughter-in-love and her/our baby-in-love!

When Jesus walked the earth…He was making an invasion into enemy territory...really.*

“… For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”
1 John 3:8b

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not just about “life insurance” in eternity…it is also very much…the power of God displayed to snatch us from the miry pits we often find ourselves in due to:

• Our own selfish and destructive choices
• The fallout from the bad choices, habits, and addictions of our families
• The tragedy of living in a fallen, broken, and often evil world that our adversary rules…

The list goes on…

So…in what area of your life do you need Jesus’ rescue? Ask yourself honestly. Then, ask Him honestly…to deliver you. We often don’t want to be free…Really…when push comes to shove…we may wonder what He will bring that will replace our bondages…in other words…will our Rescuer be enough?

Yes…the Lord Jesus is enough…more than enough. His rescue is your destiny…and His abundance is your portion because of His glorious grace….and you will know life beyond your wildest dreams. 

* 1 John 5:19

photo: How Sweet Eats