It is Finished...

Below are three of some of the most powerful words ever spoken...

"So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, "It is finished!" And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit."
John 19:30 

When Jesus cried out these words, His finishing work on the cross was...OUR...beginning. 

On the platform of this simple phrase..."It is finished!"...we stand in the power of God's Word to us that our debt of sin has been paid, our spiritual, emotions, and physical healing purchased, freedom is our portion, our enemy has been completely vanquished, and heaven has been secured for us.

However...let me change gears for a moment...

I am ALL about feeling, sensing, and experiencing the presence and power of God in our lives. I truly believe that we NEED to know what God's love and presence FEELS like. We need to cultivate sensing when the Spirit is moving in and among us...and when He is not. What we experience in the Him makes our Christianity a reality...not just theory.

Nevertheless...there are times where we have to just ruthlessly stand on the truth of God's Word that proclaims Jesus' death and resurrection finished all the seemingly unfinished business in our lives...

No matter what we are feeling.

Whatever you face today that is causing you anguish, anxiety, fear, or possibly guilt...Jesus has already...finished it...whatever IT is you need. Stand on that fact and not the barrage of your feelings. Take your hands completely off the predicament you find yourself in and give it to the One and Only who purchased your full redemption and healing. In His hands...every situation is already finished...just wait to see how marvelously it all ends up.!

photo: D. Levin via Flickr