His Goodness...

Psalm 16 is one of my all-time favorite passages from the Bible. Every verse of this song of David has deep personal meaning for me...but today...verse 2...well, you'll see what I mean...

"O my soul, you have said to the LORD, "You are my Lord, My goodness is nothing apart from You."    Psalm 16:2

I have long known this be true about myself.  I have NO goodness apart from Jesus (probably my husband, kids, and close friends know this best!).  

And, yes, the Holy Spirit is working out His fruit of goodness in my life...by healing me of deep insecurities (isn't most evil driven by insecurity?). Nevertheless, when it is time for me to breath my last, there still be only ONE who is good.

 I then re-read the verse in the Amplified Version:

"I say to the Lord, You are my Lord; I have no good beside or beyond You."

The "buck" stops with God.  There is no value to looking to anything to come close to Him ("looking for good beside Him").  He stands alone in the "good" category.  Nor, is there any reason to look "beyond" Him for the inestimable, incomparable, matchless goodness of life, love, hope, joy, happiness, healing, wholeness...what else could we add to this list...And yet...

My wandering heart...will...try...to look...beyond.  What folly.

So what the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart...is simply...God is all I need, all the time, and for all of my life.  Hmmmm...no need to wander any more...

And, if I simmer in this for awhile...my portion will be walking on the path of life lived to the full, in His presence I will experience joy unspeakable and full of glory, and His satisfying pleasure will more than quench, saturate, and overwhelm my hungry soul. (verse 11)

Yes, God's goodness is enough.


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