More Than Enough...


Guilt. Do you ever experience guilt?

"In Him we have redemption through His blood, 
the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace
which He made to abound toward us..." 
Ephesians 1:7-8

I used to live in chronic guilt. For years. For decades. I loved Lord Jesus with all my heart, I served Him in full-time ministry. Nevertheless, I lived in tormenting guilt. I am not talking about Holy Spirit conviction that brings hope and release; I am talking about the dark weight of guilt that robs one of joy. That robs one of abundant life.

So, I ask: do you live with chronic guilt?

You don’t have to. In fact, this guilt that you experience comes straight from the pit. The serpent of old, whom the Bible calls the Accuser, well, His number is up. And yet we play straight into his scheming lies. Truthfully, we let – and I once let guilt – rule my life. And by doing so, I was basically saying: Jesus shed blood on that horrific cross wasn’t enough; that His Word was not the truth.

There is no match for the precious blood of Jesus. And to let guilt rule my life reveals that I think my sin is greater than His sacrifice. Guilt declares that it is all about me, not what Jesus did. And that is pride in its purest form. Think about it. I mean, really think about this.

Heavy words indeed. But oh so freeing. We can’t even let the Holy Spirit bring freedom into lives until our guilt issue is laid to rest and we receive His full forgiveness. Yes, we must still wholeheartedly respond to Holy Spirit conviction, but guilt? It should have no place in a believer’s life. The Lord Jesus’ absolute forgiveness is the platform we stand on.

So, when waves of guilt come knocking, sent it packing. Don’t dally with it. Don’t live under it anymore. Because forgiveness has been lavished upon you and His once for all sacrifice is more, way more, than enough.

It Might be Time...

It might be time to have a little “forgiveness” check-up…

Just as we should…but don’t often do…have a yearly check up with our physicians to check…you know…vital signs…and physical stuff (do you like that medical terminology?)…we might be needing us to have a little…heart check-up.

"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. "But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
Matthew 6:14-15

These are pretty heavy words from the mouth of our Savior…forgiveness…our completely forgiving every person who has…wounded…hurt…offended…abused…us…is really more for…us.

When we don’t forgive someone…or start to allow the Lord to remove the layers (for often…deep wounds…family or church…wounds…take time to heal), we bottleneck the outpouring of His love in our own lives. And, that brings us to another point…
Is there someone reading this who needs to…forgive the Lord?

That happens, you know. It is not right, but it still may happen. I just heard about someone today that didn’t understand…why something had happened in their life. If that is you…don’t run from Him. Don’t stomp off and be mad, sulk, give up your faith . Would good will that do? It is most likely the enemy or human failing…that has caused your hurt.

 Though you may never know that until you run into His arms…talk honestly and listen honestly. Relying upon His unfailing Word and finding comfort in the fullness of His presence. 

Take it from one who knows…

Feel free to share…


photo: Prepped in Pearls        

Time for a Check-Up...

It might be time to have a little “forgiveness” check-up…

Just as we should…but don’t often do…have a yearly check up with our physicians to check…you know…vital signs…and physical stuff (do you like that medical terminology?)…we might be needing us to have a little…heart check-up.

"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. "But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
Matthew 6:14-15

These are pretty heavy words from the mouth of our Savior…forgiveness…our completely forgiving every person who has…wounded…hurt…offended…abused…us…is really more for…us.

When we don’t forgive someone…or start to allow the Lord to remove the layers (for often…deep wounds…family or church…wounds…take time to heal), we bottleneck the outpouring of His love in our own lives. And, that brings us to another point…

Is there someone reading this who needs to…forgive the Lord?
That happens, you know. It is not right, but it still may happen. I just heard about someone today that didn’t understand…why something had happened in their life. If that is you…don’t run from Him. Don’t stomp off and be mad, sulk, give up your faith . Would good will that do? It is most likely the enemy or human failing…that has caused your hurt.

 Though you may never know that until you run into His arms…talk honestly and listen honestly. Relying upon His unfailing Word and finding comfort in the fullness of His presence. 

Take it from one who knows…

Feel free to share…

photo: Rocco Palermo via Flickr

At the Start of This Week...

At the start of this week…

If you are facing major, or not so major decisions…rely on the Holy Spirit to lead you. He will. However…be willing to do what He is speaking to you. That willingness is called…surrender! Don’t miss God’s best for you by settling for what seems quick or easy. His best…is outrageously the BEST!

If you need to forgive someone, no matter how slight or large the offense. Get to it pronto!! Ask for Jesus’ help! He has completely forgiven you…He WILL give you the strength to forgive others.

If you need sleep, rest, or refreshment for your body, soul, or spirit…take it! Make finding time from your crazy schedule to 1.) Be in His presence and Word. 2.) Get good sleep 3.) Get outside and take a technology break. Fill your mind and heart with His beauty that surrounds.

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes that will be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because Who is in you is greater than anything! 
1 John 4:4


photo: Classy in the City