Willing...and Obedient...

Obedience....The truth of the matter for me...and a smile comes to my face... is that I am usually willing...but not obedient. Or....I am obedient...but, without a willing heart! Think about that for a moment!

"If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land;"  Isaiah 1:19

My heart's cry lately comes from James 3:17, where one of the attributes of the Lord that He wants to impart to my life is the ability to be "willing to yield." Something about that phrase speaks to the depths of my soul...to yield...everything...yes, everything to Jesus and His plans, His work, His desires...without a moment's hesitation on my part.

Often, obedience sounds like such a harsh word...until you become a parent. Then, it is a rhapsody to your ears! The word...indeed the action...means to watchfully and carefully listen and follow through with matching behavior to instructions given by someone.

Now...think Someone...who knows better, best, greater, kinder, with unfailing love, and purposeful benevolence...yes, I am learning increasingly as the days, months, and years pass, that Lord Jesus knows what is best for me. My own way...well...is hollow, not fulfilling...often destructive...much like a handful of ashes.

Then the promise...yet, isn't His presence promise enough?? Still... God gives a lavish promise to willingness and obedience: we will eat the good (translation from Hebrew - goodness, prosperity, joy, and peace) of the land...the land of our lives.

Yes...this is the truth...and what a lavish truth it is....

photo: Haircut Economics