He was Invited...

Hmmmm...I am pondering the amazing story of Jesus' turning a wedding upside-down...

"Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding."
John 2:2

Jesus came because He was invited.
He did something no one could/would dream of or anticipate.
He turned something colorless and odorless...into the exquisitely, most vibrant, best...that it could ever become...

I want to invite Him into every detail of my day, today. I don't want to tell Him what to do, (what was Mary thinking....that He would run out to Bevmo?), or how to do it. I want to invite Him to some big events taking place soon...and some little events, too. (Because really...everything we do IS important). What will He do?

He is calling me to lay down every preconceived idea I have and just wait to see what He does.

I want...I need...for Him to show up tonight as I gather with other believers in community. I am inviting Him to come and turn my world upside-down...or right-side up, as the case may be.

What do you need to invite Him to today? Will you let Him do it His way?

You won't be disappointed...it will be over-the-top.


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