His Banner....

I, for one…don’t think we get how much God loves us. Yeah…you…and me. We just don’t get it…a least I don't always....

“He brought me to the banqueting house,
And his banner over me was love.
Song of Songs 2:4

His banner…His heartbeat…His passion…is us. He never speaks anything over our lives that isn’t driven by pure, unfailing, powerful agape. All the time…unending…nothing we can do to stop it…love.

His banner over each and every one of us is…love. Not… “you loser,”…. “you worthless child”…you…you name it…these phrases that the devil would whisper in our ears and we would agree with.

Nope…not doing it anymore. Not agreeing with those lies. I just spent a wonderful day here in Taiwan, with women from all over the world. We have chosen to believe…and agree with…His Word. King Jesus’ Word. And that word is LOVE. His word also tells us that we are qualified…forgiven…living in His kingdom…of love. Just read about it in Colossians 1.

Yes. This is the truth. His truth. Bought and paid for by His precious blood. And, His sacrifice…and the power of His Holy Spirit within me…are more than enough.

I choose to walk under His banner of love…and it is beautiful.

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photo: Local Milk

(Again, as always...if you were encouraged in any way by this post, please share on your Facebook status and/or go to the title above...go to the site...and click on the heart! Blessings from Taiwan...Sue Bee)

Our Bridegroom...

I love that My Bridegroom rejoices over…me…

“For the LORD delights in you, And your land shall be married…
And as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride,
So shall your God rejoice over you.”
Isaiah 62:4b-5b

In this beautiful passage of Scripture we are told that the God of Angel Armies…rejoices over His church…we His bride…think of it… 

I have just been to too many weddings were the groom looked as if he was going to bust his buttons to get the ceremony over with and…run down the aisle with the woman of his dreams…

Our God…is like that with us…even with our stains, our pettiness, our...our…our stuff…He is crazy about us. The Scriptures tell us that He even dances over us...

Some of us reading…who are married…or divorced…have known what it is like to have ‘first love’ of our spouse lose its luster….But no…our God for us…He is as passionate and fervent about each us as He was the moment of our inception…His unfailing love has not failed toward…you…toward me. (No wonder angel’s rejoicing abounds so when a lamb returns home! How glad the Father is!)

How about stopping for a moment now and quieting yourself. Exchange some genuine heartfelt words with the One who loves you with such abandon. He is crazy about you…you know…but it might be time to remind yourself of this truth.

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photo: Nicole Franzen

Unfailing Love...

Okay…just now I was reading my year-through-the-Bible plan, that I am already about a month or so behind in…no worries…I will make it through…

This time though…I am reading in the New Living Translation which uses the phrase “unfailing love” for the word that most Bible translations use “mercy.”

Both renderings of the Hebrew word “hesed” or “chesed” used here are accurate:

Hesed (Hebrew): Mercy, kindness, lovingkindness, unfailing love; tenderness, faithfulness. This word occurs about 250 times in the Old Testament.

“The LORD is gracious and full of compassion, Slow to anger and great in mercy.
Psalm 145:8 NKJV

“The LORD is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.”
Psalm 145:8 NLT

All this to say…when we fail…God’s love towards us doesn't. What a comfort to know and experience this. Drink this in and be blessed. That's all and that is enough.

photo: The Vintage Housewife Emporium