At the Start of This Week...

At the start of this week…

Should you feel perplexed, confused, or stymied about a situation in your life…just know that the Apostle Paul felt the same way at times…however, his trust remained unshaken in the Lord Jesus. CHOOSE to be unshaken in trusting the Lord as well. He’s got your dilemma figured out and will show you what to do.
2 Cor. 4:8

Should you need guidance about which direction to take about something…don’t try to figure it out on your own! Follow close behind the Lord…let Him lead the way. He won’t steer you wrong.
Psalm 63:8

Should you feel hemmed in by your circumstances, walls on every side…Look up! Let God scoop you up in His everlasting arms and give you all that you need. He may have you hemmed for a strategic purpose so don’t try to wrangle out of what you are going through. Let Him carry you safely to your next destination in Him.
Psalm 139:5

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes that will be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because Who is in you is greater than anything!
1 John 4:4

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At the Start of This Week...

At the start of this week...

Know that God is on YOUR side...He will fight for you..
No...that doesn't mean that you get to be...well...mean, impatient, frustrated, bored, or insensitive. It means that when you are struggling with someone or something...the Holy Spirit inside you will fight for you to be able to overcome any challenge with His beyond-reason love. Romans 5:5 doesn't mean that you will always get your way. God will fight for you to experience trusting Him that HE may have a better plan, a sweeter idea, or something not even on your radar yet. Heb. 3:5-6

It DOES mean...that the Lord won't let you fight your battles (relationships, circumstances, past, and future) on your own. And, there will be times when He asks you to recuse yourself from the battle altogether and let Him do the heavy lifting. Hearing His voice in this means you need to draw near to hear His whisper...for surely He will speak to you. 
Is. 43:1-2

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes that will be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because Who is in you is greater than anything! 
1 John 4:4

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At the Start of This Week...

At the start of this week…

Should you feel…well…kinda blue, bored, or broke…possibly you haven’t been spending some “soaking” time with the Lord? Quieting ALL the noise in your life and hearing only His voice? Filling you to overflow with the Holy Spirit? He has been waiting for you…

Should you think your life has been turned upside down? One, check to make sure you are on HIS path. Two, you may be in the midst of the enemy’s “attack,” get your armor on (Eph. 6). Three, it may be the Lord shaking up some things to get you out of your comfort zone. Lean hard into Him and let Him take you on a thrill ride.

Should old habits start to return…you know…impatience, irritability, may not so great language or tone to your voice? Step back, drink in His word. Remember how much Jesus loves you and gives you His love to give others. Now start over facing folks that were causing your “flesh” to resurface.

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes that will be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because Who is in you is greater than anything! 
1 John 4:4

photo: Anchored by Love

At the Start of This Week...

At the start of this week…

If we get our feelings hurt…or we hurt someone else’s heart…let’s be quick to make amends, right wrongs, talk to the person(s)…in other words, do what Jesus told us to do: get things out in the open with mercy and grace so that the enemy doesn’t get the opp to ensnare us in anyway.

If money seems tight, and our “need” and “want” lists seem…ohhh…soooo….long, let’s remember life’s true priorities: Him, Him, and only Him. Honest…if we put Jesus first for ALL the details, He will guide and provide for us what is most needed.

It we become over-scheduled, overwhelmed, or over-the-top nuts with stuff to do and no time to do it…take a breath…breathe a prayer…stop and be grateful for the One who came to give His all…that we might live. For He alone is worthy…

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes that will be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because Who is in you is greater than anything! 
(1 John 4:4)

photo: Theresa