Eagles' Wings...

I am…pooped out.

Anybody trackin’ with me here? However…it is a rich, good, joyous…pooped out.

I had the amazing privilege of sharing at a Women’s Camp this past weekend (Thousand Pines Christian Camp). It was thrilling…it was exhilarating…it was crazy fun…to watch the Lord at work. I could have talked about…baking chocolate chip cookies (I didn't…but could have!) and He would have moved…transforming lives…His vast love for so many…going deep…yes…going deep. He didn't need me…He only desired the hungry hearts that every woman had presented to Him there.

“But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; 
They shall mount up with wings like eagles, 
They shall run and not be weary, 
They shall walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31

I have lived too many years in the other kind of…pooped out…you know…burned out…exhausted, depleted, hope dimmed, weary of life…kind of pooped out. It is not…riding on eagles' wings. And…I don’t want to live that way anymore. And…the promise of soaring with Him is wrapped up in one word… “wait”…

A Mary way of waiting…at His feet…drinking in His presence and His Word. That simple.*

Yes…I am pooped out…but I am flying high…


photo: Hemingway & Hepburn

*Luke 10:38-42