I've come to believe that God loves a good struggle.
As we walk this in this fallen, broken, sin filled world...we will have struggle. That is a given. However…our God Who loves us beyond reason is all for milking our trials for all they are worth to bring us into His embrace, breaking the powers of darkness, and growing us up into mature sons and daughters who know how to bring the kingdom of heaven to earth.
"And He said, "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed."
Genesis 32:28
The Lord invited Jacob into a wrestling match with Himself just as Jacob was about to face his enemy...the enemy wasn't the issue, God has something greater in mind...think on that...Jacob encountered God in the struggle. God wants us to encounter Him, too.
In the midst of heartache, loss, quandary, confusion, and hurt, Jesus calls us to see Him face to face...get a death grip on Him...and not let go until He reveals Himself in our situation. I mean, really, really, until...He reveals Himself to us. When we have a fresh revelation of Who He is...well....the circumstances in our lives that once seemed daunting...just fade away.
Wrestling with God is not for the faint of heart. Like any wrestling match, it is up close and personal. It cannot be casual or relaxed. Sometimes it is bloody and messy. Maybe that is why we shy away from His invitation.
However, prayer is the wrestling mat and faith is how we grasp Him. Not letting go until He shows Himself...the key. For intimate knowledge of Him is His goal and the struggle itself produces kingdom warriors that shake the nations in Jesus' Name.
Feel free to share with someone...in a struggle...