There are some Bible passages you just have to read between the commas…
“…the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,
Ephesians 1:18
Paul’s prayer for us found in Ephesians 1 is a place where reading between the commas…can change your life. Really.
The riches of the gospel of Jesus Christ are laid out for us in a few short words from Paul’s prayer here…and at the beginning of most of his letters of instruction.
Try it. Simply read the one verse above…savoring each phrase…between the commas. I believe the Lord has something to speak into your current situation(s)…just from these three phrases. Ponder His words to you in this moment. What applies to you? How is your heart…being moved…or wrecked for His glory?
Let’s slow down. Let’s savor God’s Word. Let’s read between the commas transformed.
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photo: Beach Life