At the Start of This Week...

At the start of this week…

Should you be frazzled, forlorn, or feeling forgotten…even before you have rolled out of bed in the morning, remember that your Heavenly Father, Who loves you beyond comprehension, has every hair on your head numbered. He knows you inside out…and…HE is your only source of joy that brings hope, strength, wisdom, and life. Look to Him.

Should you be facing a circumstance that seems like a mountain…King Jesus will hold your hand as He either dismisses this burden, raises you above this situation, or holds you close as you walk through this fire together. HE is the answer. Be sure to let HIM rule your heart and mind. He will make your steps firm…in His love.

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes that will be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because Who is in you is greater than anything!   1 John 4:4

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photo: kvtes

At the Start of This Week...

At the start of this week…
As we celebrate…or have just celebrated Father’s Day…

If the sadness of having a not-so-great-dad…still messes with your life…it is time to look up. Your heavenly Father has been and continues to be completely here for you. Quit running from and turn…make a mad dash to His outstretched, can-heal-the-past arms…and let Him embrace you this week.

If you have made some (or many) mistakes as a daddy (or mommy)…Run to Father. Let His cleansing love and lavish grace wash over you. You will never be the dad (or mom) you want to be as long as guilt and regret are worn around life. Grace alone cleanses and the Holy Spirit alone empowers you to change.

If joy has been distant…for whatever the reason…take some time. Get alone with the One and Only. Those that wait in His presence are lifted up on eagle’s wings. Let Him lift you up, twirl you around, and restore your laughter. He will you know. He is the bestest Papa ever!

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes that will be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because Who is in you is greater than anything! 1 John 4:4

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photo: Heather Mosher Photography

At the Start of This Week...

At the start of this week…

If you are coming into these days with a disappointment already causing your heart to be heavy…it is time to look up. The “no” you may have received is a way for God to bring a greater “yes” to your life. However, you may miss it with your eyes and heart on the ground.

If you feel burnt out, stressed out, or wiped out…it is time to return to the living waters* of the Holy Spirit. Don’t know what that looks like…or feels like? It is time to spend some time getting to know Who He is. Take a look a John 14, 15, 16. If you belong to Jesus…His Spirit lives inside of you. Don’t remain a desert when you can become an oasis.

If your health, finances, or future are in question…it is time to turn to His Word…what does HE say about your situation? He will make a way through the wilderness…but it needs to be HIS way…not yours.

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes that will be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because Who is in you is greater than anything! 1 John 4:4


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*John 7:37-39
photo: Paige Arminta / Roxanna Baker

At the Start of This Week...

At the start of this week…

Should you feel perplexed, confused, or stymied about a situation in your life…just know that the Apostle Paul felt the same way at times…however, his trust remained unshaken in the Lord Jesus. CHOOSE to be unshaken in trusting the Lord as well. He’s got your dilemma figured out and will show you what to do.
2 Cor. 4:8

Should you need guidance about which direction to take about something…don’t try to figure it out on your own! Follow close behind the Lord…let Him lead the way. He won’t steer you wrong.
Psalm 63:8

Should you feel hemmed in by your circumstances, walls on every side…Look up! Let God scoop you up in His everlasting arms and give you all that you need. He may have you hemmed for a strategic purpose so don’t try to wrangle out of what you are going through. Let Him carry you safely to your next destination in Him.
Psalm 139:5

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes that will be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because Who is in you is greater than anything!
1 John 4:4

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At the Start of This Week...

At the start of this week…

Should you receive some difficult news about a are not defenseless. You have the Holy Spirit living inside of you…it is time to lean into the Commander of Heaven’s Hosts. Pray what you know…pray what you sense He is telling you…pray in the Spirit. You have the resources of heaven working on your loved one’s behalf…then…battle, stand firm, and…trust.

Should you seem suddenly seem confused about an area of your life, beat it back to God’s Word. Run back to the last thing the Lord spoke to your heart about this situation. The enemy is probably trying to distract you. Enough said.

Should your finances be in disarray? No guilt here…but just a thought….have you been faithful to tithe? Really. No joke. Putting God first in your finances…is a step of faith…and it paves the way for Him to cause the rest of your resources to fall into place…and have the right priority in your heart. Watch and see what HE does!

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes that will be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because Who is in you is greater than anything! 
1 John 4:4

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photo: Black Swan Dive


(Hi there! Sorry for not posting the past few days! I have been sharing with the ladies at The City Church, Redding, CA, at their annual women's retreat. What an awesome time in the presence of the LORD!! HE is AMAZING!)

At the Start of This Week...

At the start of this week...

Know that God is on YOUR side...He will fight for you..
No...that doesn't mean that you get to be...well...mean, impatient, frustrated, bored, or insensitive. It means that when you are struggling with someone or something...the Holy Spirit inside you will fight for you to be able to overcome any challenge with His beyond-reason love. Romans 5:5 doesn't mean that you will always get your way. God will fight for you to experience trusting Him that HE may have a better plan, a sweeter idea, or something not even on your radar yet. Heb. 3:5-6

It DOES mean...that the Lord won't let you fight your battles (relationships, circumstances, past, and future) on your own. And, there will be times when He asks you to recuse yourself from the battle altogether and let Him do the heavy lifting. Hearing His voice in this means you need to draw near to hear His whisper...for surely He will speak to you. 
Is. 43:1-2

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes that will be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because Who is in you is greater than anything! 
1 John 4:4

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At the Start of This Week...

At the start of this week…

Should you feel perplexed, confused, or stymied about a situation in your life…CHOOSE to be unshaken in trusting the Lord. He’s got your dilemma figured out and will show you what to do or not do in due time.

Should you need guidance about which direction to take about something…don’t try to figure it out on your own! Follow close behind the Lord…let Him lead the way. He won’t steer you wrong.
Psalm 63:8

Should you feel hemmed in by your circumstances, walls on every side…Look up! Let God scoop you up in His everlasting arms and give you all that you need in your life right now. He may have you hemmed for a strategic purpose so don’t try to wrangle out of what you are going through. Let Him carry you safely to your next destination in Him.
Psalm 139:5

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes that will be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because Who is in you is greater than anything!
1 John 4:4