My husband loves to tell our church staff one of his favorite phrases from another pastor: “I love to STOP stuff!” In other words…know when it is time to “drop” something.
“Don't wear yourself out trying to get rich.
Be wise enough to know when to quit.”
Proverbs 23:4 NLT
Solomon most definitely has a point. Though he is speaking to us through the millennia in regard to gaining wealth above all else in life, the principal applies to many other aspects of our journey in Jesus.
No…I am not giving license to quit your marriage or give up on your family members! I am talking about those business, ministry, shoot…even a kitchen remodel type endeavor…you fill in the blank…whatever it is that is just plan running you ragged, because He is not in it. It may be time to examine your heart, your motives, and what the real reason is you are wearing yourself for something that feels dry as a bone.
Yes. So much of the Scripture tells us to persevere, endure, and be steadfast. Nevertheless, there are times when the Holy Spirit is just trying to get through to us that enough is enough. I am SO grateful for His brakes on my life through the years. I've already wasted a lot of time leaving skid marks on the road because I wasn't willing to hear Him say, “It is time to stop this child, I don’t have this ______ in mind for you, at least not now.”
So. If this is for you…go to prayer. Wait for Him. Hear Him. If this doesn't speak to you currently, I’ll bet you know someone it does. Maybe it’s time to have a loving heart to heart and go to Him prayer together. Stopping is hard…but the new, open doors He brings are oh…so…delightful.
photo: Latte Art