You know…sometimes…we gotta just believe…the Lord’s…report.
“He said to them, "Make room, for the girl is not dead, but sleeping." And they ridiculed Him.” Matthew 9:24
My friend, Bobby Chance, likes to coin this phrase… “The Lord’s report is the only one that matters.” And you know…it is true.
I am not saying don’t trust doctors, your bank account, sound advice, or godly wisdom…but sometimes…we have to choose to believe what He has said over a situation no matter what it looks like. Just like when Jesus walked into the little girl’s room…and healed her. His report. His report alone. Was all that mattered. And…that is true today.
Trouble is…we have got KNOW what He is thinking about the situations we face. We have got to know His word in times of trial…for ourselves. And, what His written Word has to say about what we are going through. It is imperative that we each HEAR…what His report is.
What is His report for what you are going through? Have you asked Him? Personally? You and He alone? I encourage you to do so…’cause there are a lot of “reports” out there…lots of voices.
However His…is the only one that matters.
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photo: Kelsee Irby via Flickr