The Lord's Report...

You know…sometimes…we gotta just believe…the Lord’s…report.

“He said to them, "Make room, for the girl is not dead, but sleeping." And they ridiculed Him.” Matthew 9:24

My friend, Bobby Chance, likes to coin this phrase… “The Lord’s report is the only one that matters.” And you know…it is true.

I am not saying don’t trust doctors, your bank account, sound advice, or godly wisdom…but sometimes…we have to choose to believe what He has said over a situation no matter what it looks like. Just like when Jesus walked into the little girl’s room…and healed her. His report. His report alone. Was all that mattered. And…that is true today.

Trouble is…we have got KNOW what He is thinking about the situations we face. We have got to know His word in times of trial…for ourselves. And, what His written Word has to say about what we are going through. It is imperative that we each HEAR…what His report is.

What is His report for what you are going through? Have you asked Him? Personally? You and He alone? I encourage you to do so…’cause there are a lot of “reports” out there…lots of voices.

However His…is the only one that matters.

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photo: Kelsee Irby via Flickr

It's...the Little Things...

Just now…driving in the car…I got to thinking about this verse…

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;”
Proverbs 3:5

For some reason…when I think of trusting the Lord…with anything in my life, I think of that act as a mental assent. You know…I am choosing with my thoughts and actions to trust Him. However, for some reason, the phrase “with all your heart” spoke to me. (I admit…I am a little dense.)

What I am sensing the Holy Spirit saying to me is that I am to trust…entrust…hand over…my emotions and my affections that surround the outcome, the behavior, the person, or the circumstance that I am…trusting the Lord with currently. Wow.
I know…not rocket science. Yet...this added a whole new dimension for me about…trusting Him. Actually surrendering my emotions, for…His emotions about…whatever I am facing. So…

That is a HUGE blessing. Another arena of release and…relief. Where He carries my heart…in His powerful…but gentle hands. Yes…yes, indeed…that is a relief.

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photo: Delta Breezes

It is Finished...

Below are three of some of the most powerful words ever spoken...

"So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, "It is finished!" And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit."
John 19:30 

When Jesus cried out these words, His finishing work on the cross was...OUR...beginning. 

On the platform of this simple phrase..."It is finished!"...we stand in the power of God's Word to us that our debt of sin has been paid, our spiritual, emotions, and physical healing purchased, freedom is our portion, our enemy has been completely vanquished, and heaven has been secured for us.

However...let me change gears for a moment...

I am ALL about feeling, sensing, and experiencing the presence and power of God in our lives. I truly believe that we NEED to know what God's love and presence FEELS like. We need to cultivate sensing when the Spirit is moving in and among us...and when He is not. What we experience in the Him makes our Christianity a reality...not just theory.

Nevertheless...there are times where we have to just ruthlessly stand on the truth of God's Word that proclaims Jesus' death and resurrection finished all the seemingly unfinished business in our lives...

No matter what we are feeling.

Whatever you face today that is causing you anguish, anxiety, fear, or possibly guilt...Jesus has already...finished it...whatever IT is you need. Stand on that fact and not the barrage of your feelings. Take your hands completely off the predicament you find yourself in and give it to the One and Only who purchased your full redemption and healing. In His hands...every situation is already finished...just wait to see how marvelously it all ends up.!

photo: D. Levin via Flickr

Sizzle and Pop!

It seems to me…that most of the world is looking for…the secret “recipe” for success…

How about you? Even as a Christian…a few years and tears back, I was surely looking for the “formula” to a deeply satisfying, significant life. In the words of a talented writer and my new friend, Natalie…I longed for a life with “sizzle and pop!”


Everything about our Journey in Jesus is relational…no formulas here. Day in, day out conversations with the Most High God. Intentionally leaning hard into Him and cultivating His presence in the glory of His tenderness and power. Feeling His very breath pour into our souls as we savor and feast upon His living written word. And yet…

His Word is where we find the priceless recipe and all of the awe-inspiring ingredients…all that we need to navigate life…

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, 
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, 
And He shall direct your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-6

I’ll conclude here. What more can be said?

Yes…this is THE recipe for a life with sizzle and pop!

photo: Deux via Flickr




Yes...I believe...

One of the Bible verses that the Holy Spirit has repeatedly…I mean…repeatedly…spoken over my life...speaks to me now...

"Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord."
Luke 1:45

Not that I have lived up to these words…no…not by a long shot…nevertheless they embody the great truth that “faith” is…everything…to the Lord Jesus.

We can sing His praise, we can dance in worship, we can shout in jubilation in the midst of His presence…we…we…we can go to church every Sunday, read our Bibles daily, and share the gospel…but…gosh darn…without “faith”…it impossible to please Him. (Heb.11:6)

And yes…we can actually do all the aforementioned stuff…and not have…faith.

I know…we walk timidly around this…not wanting to offend or hurt anyone. So…I am not looking at others as I write. I am talking to myself and reminding myself…of the power of the angel’s words to Mary.

Whatever is coming to your mind right now where you are struggling…choose…to believe His Word…in spite of what you are…feeling. Emotions will follow your choice (usually!). Ask for His help with your unbelief, but start somewhere…because His fulfillment of much of what He wants to give, do, and take place in your life hinges on it. No not “works,” but the Lord loves it when we trust Him.

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photo: Clutter & Chaos

It's the Little Things

It’s the little things…

Yep…it is often the little things that trip us up.

This morning, I sent a message to a dear friend. I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to tell her that it’s the little things…you know…the little distractions that can really get in the way of our walk with the Lord Jesus. Little did I know…that “word” was probably more for me. (Funny how He does that!)

“Catch us the foxes, 
The little foxes that spoil the vines, 
For our vines have tender grapes.”
Song of Songs 2:15

I’m pretty good at trusting God for the big things in life. The past ten years have been full of big things…some HUGE things. However, the Lord has doe great, marvelous, and mighty works in each of these. Yet…today…when a little distraction came up…I found my heart and mind frantically trying to…you know…help Him out. Ever done that?

I wanted to help the Lord out…because I could. I could manipulate things to my advantage, my desires, my wants…but really…do I really want that?

A resounding, “NO!”

It was good…rich…right…and joyful…to put this small matter back where it belonged…hidden in Him. What a relief! Because truly…the little things DO matter. And, I for one, don’t want to live “less than” because…I want His life…more.

Do you have a little thing to hand over?


Photo: Dinja Donut