

"... And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, PRINCE of PEACE."
Isaiah 9:6b 

Shalom is...Jesus' is Who He is what He is Prince is what He came to is what He does...

SHALOM (Hebrew) Meaning: Completeness, wholeness, peace, health, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony; the absence of agitation or discord.. To be complete, perfect, and full.

This is the peace...the wholeness...the entire human race seeks. 

It was for Shalom that Jesus suffered for us on the cross (Is.53:5), it is His promised future for those who chose Him instead of their own will (Jer.29:11) is the very heart of the Gospel (Luke 2:14).

What words do you need...right now....from the definition of Shalom? 

This is for someone...the Spirit is prompting me to tell you that you are looking to a person to bring you will never happen. Instead...pause and ask the Prince of Shalom to reign in your life...your circumstances. Because...

Wrapped up in Him is everything you could ever long for.

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photo: The Kind Life


I really don’t know what more needs to be said…

“…and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.”
Colossians 2:10

I recently heard another Christian lament…what I had thought…and lived in…for so many years. It was this…it is our western culture that causes following Jesus to be difficult at times. You know…the trends…the sparkly toys…the relationships…the…the stuff we are constantly thinking about that would…make life satisfying…whole…complete.

If only (this person lamented) we lived in a third world country…where stuff…and temptation…and seductive sparkle didn’t capture our eyes…our hearts…our lives. Christianity would be so…much…easier…

I am here to tell you…and believe me…I lived years in dissatisfaction, partial living, and feeling oh-so-lacking, to state this truly! A heart lost in Jesus’ love WILL be…satisfied…more than satisfied. WILL be ever coming into greater wholeness…more than you ever thought possible…and will find itself…complete. So complete that you find yourself loving others freely without expectation, that worldly sparkle will start to fizzle, and trends will come and go…but you will not be shaken.

Ahhhhh yes…Lord! May I only be completely…complete in You!


photo: Sit on My Front Porch

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