His Feast...

Just a few short words…that express so much…

I’ve just come from a “secret place” time with the Lord…you know…just Him and me.

“A Psalm of David when he was in the wilderness of Judah. 
O God, You are my God;
Early will I seek You;
My soul thirsts for You;
My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. 
Psalm 63:1

I am not in a wilderness…at this moment…and…it wasn’t early…yet, I was thirsty for His presence. However…stuff was pressing on my mind. You know…the stuff of life. Laundry to fold, work deadlines to meet…magazines to read…and Pinterest…ohhhh Pinterest!

A friend once likened our hunger and thirst for God like going grocery shopping. (Hang with me here…) It is dangerous to enter a market hungry. We tend to settle for the unhealthy stuff. That bag of chips looks more appetizing than the piece of fruit. Candy bars tantalize instead of whole grains…you get the drift. We settle for junk to satisfy…instead of a luscious feast that would not only satisfy…but nourish us…and…give us strength.

“Because Your lovingkindness is better than life…
I will lift up my hands in Your name.
My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, 
And my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips.”
Psalm 63:3-5

I have wasted too much time on the empty calories of the world’s so-called delights. I want a meal. The meal with Jesus that He continually invites me to…yes…I want to feast in His presence.

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photo: Julia Trotti



Hmmmm....Some Thoughts on Sowing...

I spent many years sabotaging my walk with Jesus. I mean…really. I really did that.

I would start a day with time with Him in the morning…then spend the next 23.5 hours (when not sleeping) thinking about what the world thinks about. Reading what the world reads. Viewing what the world views. Add…doing what the world does…or, responding the way the world does to situations…even with three little kids in tow and a husband who was the pastor of a thriving church. Yes…really. I did a lot of sabotaging of the Holy Spirit’s work in my life.

This morning’s quote that was posted earlier (CrossPointe with Sue Boldt on Facebook)…truly spoke to me…

“For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.”
Galatians 6:8

I think this is on my mind because of two events that took place in the past few days:

• I again received clean bill of health in a terminal cancer saga
• My daughter, Shiloh, birthed her third child

Can I just say this plain and simple?

We don’t have a lot of time here to waste on stupid stuff. I remember when my daughter was a newborn…seems like yesterday. The fact that I have another day to draw breath here is miraculous. In other words…our days are short…

This isn't a guilt trip, or an urging to try harder, or anything like that…however…it is call to pay attention to what…we are paying attention to. Again, that simple. Because what we are pursuing either leads to a dead end…or life in the power of the Holy Spirit.

And…I….…be wanting me some of that power in the Spirit stuff!

photo: Icing Design Online

Daniel...With a Purpose

You just gotta love Daniel…

But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's delicacies…”
Daniel 1:8

Purposed to do what? Exactly what Jesus invites us to do…live in the world…but not be “of” the world. Sometimes, that is pretty hard stuff.

About four years ago our adult son went through a crisis of faith. Quite literally, he rejected Christ. He was on a quest for…truth…that involved separating from his beautiful wife. He was SURE the truth wasn't Jesus. Tough stuff for parents who have loved and served the Lord as pastors our whole adult lives.

We went to battle for his soul. Using the authority given to us by King Jesus in Luke 10:17-20, Jeremy’s sisters, my hubby, and I went to battle against the lying, deceiving spirits that were blinding our son’s eyes. Isaiah 35 was our God-given battle plan in prayer.

I bring this up…because it was one time when I purposed…with my heart and mind…to not let anything distract me from hearing from the Lord…to save our son. Honestly. Like Daniel. (I hope the comparison doesn't sound to presumptuous). Except I didn't forsake wine or delicacies (just not on my list of things I like!) No…for me it was media distraction, what I read, listened to, or watched. And...wasting time with stuff that...really...didn't...matter.

The adversary’s defeat took place about three months later when Jer had a near Damascus Road experience out in the desert. That means he met Jesus. God is good…so very good.

Is the Holy Spirit calling you to a time…to be purposeful about your life? Something that is going on? Do not neglect His voice…He has something in store for you. And then...you will want to live this way forever.

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