A New Thing...

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I am the first one to admit that I do not like change very much...

"But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved." Luke 5:38

God is all about change. He is all about creativity. He is the One who flung the stars into the heavens like so much loose glitter, birthed each of us, no two alike, and orchestrates the individual movement of each ocean wave. Yes, the Lord is always up to something new.

I cannot take for granted how He will mastermind His work in my life. And, I cannot assume or presume that if He worked one way at one time, He would do the same thing the next time.

New wine is the power of Pentecost, the power of the Holy Spirit. If I am going to be a new wineskin that the Holy Spirit can use to minister His love and healing to people, I have to be open to His creativity at all times. Yes, I can and should stand on God’s Word, but I must always remember that His Living Word, the Lord Jesus John 1:14, usually does not do the same thing twice.

In other words, be open for the Lord Jesus to surprise you!



We all want to feel like we belong to someone...

...to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.
Ephesians 1:6

For years I thought I had these yearnings because I was an only child. Yet I had loads of friends and a pretty fantastic marriage. Still, longing remained. Next came three beautiful children and three churches we had the privilege to pastor. Why was I still searching?

Somehow the Holy Spirit got through to the very core of my soul: I am accepted in the Beloved. My longings found total fulfillment.

A funny thing happened. Realizing I was fully embraced by Lord Jesus freed me from the need to be accepted by anyone else. Those around me experienced release from the task of meeting my insatiable need to feel like I belonged. Joy overwhelmed my life and splashed onto others who were then captivated by the beyond reason love of God.

Do you still long to belong? Soak, meditate, and marinate in the truth of God’s Word. You are accepted by the only One who truly matters. Ask the Holy Spirit to make this real to you. His acceptance will overtake and fill your being.

At the Start of this Week...

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At the start of this week…

As we sorrow, lament, and mourn so much death, loss, and suffering, remember, our Lord Jesus is greater still. He never promised we wouldn’t experience pain in this life, but He promised His felt presence and power to walk us through it, over it, and out of it. Remember, the Lord tenderly holds our every tear in His nail-scarred hand, and He knows a thing or two about suffering. He is the only One who can provide us with peace.

As we face tasks, duties, and deadlines, let’s keep our hearts and minds saturated with God’s Word and faithfulness. As we encounter obstacles, red lights, speed bumps, and yes, ornery people, let’s invite the Holy Spirit’s fullness to invade our being and splash over to the weary hearts we encounter. Let’s let Him fill us up, pour us out, and come back to the well His presence that will never run dry.

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes to be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be astounding in Jesus because He Who is in you is greater than anything! 1 John 4:4

But God...

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But God.

Really. Honestly. These are two Bible words that can transform your life...

And the patriarchs, becoming envious, sold Joseph into Egypt. But God was with him.” Acts 7:9

Have you guessed? The words are: ‘But God...’

These words can change everything for you. In the context of this passage, Stephen is retelling Joseph’s horrific abuse story that was turned on a dime into glory, honor, position, and healing. This means, no one else can ruin your life. No matter what someone has done to you, no matter how appalling and painful –‘But God’ – can change everything. But God...is with you.

My dear friend, Alicen, kept repeating to me, “But God...” when incurable cancer had come back into my body for the third time. This time my oncologists and surgeons were telling me, “This is the end, Sue.” However, Alicen kept saying to me, “It doesn’t matter what the diagnosis is... ‘But God’ changes everything.” It did. I was operated upon, partial segments of several organs were taken. No cancer could be found anywhere. But God...

Where in your life do you need a ‘But God’ moment? It is time to believe He IS with you and He desires for you to know Him intimately in this season of trial. Yes. Anything is possible when we answer tragedy, tears, or terror with the words, “But God is with me.”

Kingdom Come...

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The simple blueprint for spiritual warfare is found in the Lord’s prayer...

“So He said to them, “When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.”
Luke 11:2

Over and over in the gospels of the New Testament, we hear Jesus talk about His kingdom. And yes, of course, we all look forward to that day when we experience His kingdom when we pass into His presence.

However, kingdom living is for now. Jesus came to this planet ruled by our adversary, the devil, to establish His reign in those who would believe in Him. In other words, the Lord is telling us that in every dark and desperate situation we face, we can pray; we can declare, “Your kingdom come into this situation!” And we speak with the authority He has given us to use, “In Jesus’ Name!”

No, this side of heaven, we might not see every victory, but we won’t see much at all if we don’t start praying and declaring His Word of truth. This is not passively praying, this is bringing the power of Almighty God into everyday life. Let’s start now.



One thing the manger reveals to us – Jesus is inclusive...

All that the Father gives Me will come to Me,
and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.

John 6:37

Everyone can approach a manger. Everyone can approach Jesus. Everyone.

The only folks who can’t come – those who are excluded – are the ones who think they are too good for a stable, too superior to need help, or too proud to bow their knee. These excluded folks have trouble with Jesus. Sometimes, I am this type of folk.

Jesus simply says come – no matter your past, no matter your pay-grade, no matter your persuasion about anything. Simply come. The Holy Spirit will do the transforming and we, myself included, need to stop the judging.

So, wretched sinner that I am – yet, being transformed by His power – I come to the manger. I come to bow at the animals’ rugged food trough – now turned into His throne of blazing, sovereign glory – with humble praise. All because...at the manger, He included me.

He Came for Me...


There is a line from a Christmas carol that wrecks me every time...

Til He appeared...and the soul felt its worth.

I, for one, spent many years feeling worthless. Never mind my adoring parents and joyful childhood. My self-loathing was a product of simply being born into a broken, fallen world which the enemy of my soul rules. I masked this self-loathing in a cloak of pride, but that is another story. The wonder of it is – Jesus set me free from the tyranny of this lie regarding my worth and continues to release me from its grip.

Jesus came for the sick...the sick at heart.  Mark 2:17

I have met people – many people – who think their self-sufficiency is all they need. They really do seem to have it all together. I am afraid for these people. I am afraid they will miss what He has for them. I am afraid they will never learn that He can carry the load and they don’t have to prove anything anymore. Is this you?

What a relief to know He is everything. And what joy it is for me to know: this messed up girl is now the most valuable thing in His heart. And, you are too.

The Story of Christmas...


Do you have messy stuff in your life right now? I do...

"And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."
Luke 2:7

I love that the story of Christmas is God coming down into the midst of messiness. Our messiness. Manger, stable, cows, sheep, and goat’s kind of messiness. The stuff that trips us up so much, but when He is invited in, these situations and surroundings of ours encounter holiness, healthiness, soundness, and unspeakable joy.

The divine encountering our real-life issues and changing them from the ragged, torn, worn, and weary to robes of glory.

What situation in your soul or life do you need to invite Him to invade? I just spent some time with Him and He lifted my burden and replaced it with His presence and promise. Let Jesus do this for you, too, don’t waste another minute carrying a messy load that only He can transform.

Silent Night, Holy Night...

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Silent Night. Holy Night...

When our Savior entered the world as a wee babe – fully God and fully man – He was entering enemy territory.

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12

Jesus’ walk upon earth was a rescue mission and things haven’t changed since He first came. In this passage, we hear the urgency in the Apostle Paul’s voice for the church to wake up. To put on the armor of God and do battle against the enemy. Not against people.

How quickly I get my eyes on stuff, situations, and yes, others, when the real conflict is against demon hordes and the enemy himself? Yet, Jesus has called us to be an army that battles – on our knees.

What are you facing? Who are you directing your anger, anguish, or irritation towards? It might be time to let the Holy Spirit reveal what is really going on and who the real culprit is. Then and only then, real victory can be secured in Jesus’ Name.

At the Start of This Week...


At the start of this week...

Should you be feeling forlorn, forgotten, or you are in a fog of confusion – it is time to break free and have a breakthrough with Jesus. Your portion in Christ is fullness of joy, hope, life, and a future. Spend some time with the Savior in fresh surrender, lay down your plans for His, and get a brand new word from His Word. Jesus is faithful.
Romans 14:17

Should you be exhausted, edgy, eating too much, spending too much, or you are just plainly in a downward spiral, it is time to look up! Your Redeemer is closer than your next breath. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill your tank to overflowing and remember His gifts found in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10. Don’t leave home without them.

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes to be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because He Who is in you is greater than anything!
1 John 4:4

At the Start of This Week...

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At the start of this week...

Should life seem daunting at work, in school, or with family, Jesus tells us to take one day at a time. Listen to this instruction! His constant grace and power will be more than enough to meet your daily demands as you lean wholly into Him. Matthew 6:34

Should you find yourself feeling weak, about to cave, and you can’t take another step forward, let Him carry you. Find Jesus beside the still waters of time spent with Him. Think of all the things you have to be grateful for and let Jesus’ joy flood your soul and spirit. The joy of the Lord is your strength, not your bank account, your friends, or your good looks. Okay, I had to throw that in there for fun! Psalm 23:2

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes to be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because He Who is in you is greater than anything! 1 John 4:4

{Greetings from Taiwan!! We enter our second week of ministry here and the Lord is up to wonderful things. I am praying for you. Have an amazing week in our God! Also, it is not too late to join Online Bible Study on Facebook as we explore a month of Thanksgiving through the Scriptures. Here is the link to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1617984088500686/ or go to Instagram @crosspointe_biblestudy}

Walk Softly...


I will never forget the wisest words I ever heard outside of God’s Word…

“Now after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them.” Acts 16:10

Many years ago, Randy and I, and the school of ministry where we were students, took a “field trip” to the South American country of Columbia. We sat for about ten days under the wise tutelage of an older, married couple who were missionaries there. John and Jean Firth had labored several years there without seeing much fruit in their ministry. And then, they received the overflow or baptism of the Holy Spirit. All heaven broke loose.

In the remaining decades of their lives, the Firth’s ministry produced at least 800 other churches. Many with congregations in the thousands. Together, they saw the blind see, the lame walk, demons cast out, and the dead raised to life and almost all of these miracles are documented. Jean herself had been miraculously healed of tuberculosis.

When one of our fellow students asked what their secret to seeing these amazing miracles in the Name of Jesus, she paused and quietly stated, “I’ve learned to walk softly with God.”

I think Paul knew how to walk softly with God, too. And I believe He is extending the invitation to us. I am saying, “Yes,” to Him. I want to learn to grow in this as well. You, too? Why don’t we bow our heads in prayer right now? Because the world is waiting to see Him through us.

Holy Hush . . .


Are you...ummmm...living with some confusion in your life right now?

When I thought how to understand this,

It was too painful for me—

Until I went into the sanctuary of God;

Then I understood their end.

Psalm 73:16-17


The Psalmist who authored these verses found himself in the same predicament, too.


Why this, Lord? Why that, Jesus? Why do the wicked seem to succeed and I struggle? Have you ever had these thoughts? Join the rest of mankind.


I am not totally adept at this by a long shot, but the key to finding peace, answers, and direction is found in these words: “Until I went into the sanctuary of God.” That means His presence which can be found in your backyard, your bedroom, or any quiet place where you can find a holy hush.


How many of us are content to live with questions and confusion because we just won’t take the time to sit in His Presence; to sit at the feet of God all comfort, power, and knowledge? No, we might not get all the answers, but I can guarantee you that you will begin to find peace and guidance. Really. I can promise you that. Because God’s Word promises you that He will meet with you.


So, don’t go down the path of complaining, whining, and every other indulgence that keeps you from genuine, lavish, shalom – the peace that only He can give. Simply get on your knees before Him – and stay awhile. 

{Dear Ladies who originally joined the Weekly Devotional Subscription for Grace in the Dark, well, I am still writing it! However, I am taking a break from working on it until after Christmas. In the meantime, I will be posting short devotionals weekly, similar to the one above. Thank you for your patience!! Love, Sue}

Be Still . . .


Honestly. It is about the hardest thing in the world to do...

Be still, and know that I am God... Psalm 46:10a

I mean really, now. It is tough sledding -- to be still.

Take if from one who can have a million thoughts a minute, who tends to over schedule, double and triple book herself, and is pretty-darn selfish.

I mean -- still – can be hard. But I had to start somewhere. Jesus was calling about fourteen years ago and this time, He wouldn’t take no for answer. Out of my crazy-busy life – can anyone relate? – He called me to come and sit with for a while. He called me to come and feast. He called me to come and get healed. remember, I once had Stage 4 terminal cancer? He called me to come and have peace for what could have been a tornado of thoughts.

It is not rocket science. You don’t have to be spiritual. Bring your addictions and your habits, He has a trade-in for you. You don’t have to be perfect – who is? Just come. Get Quiet. Don’t talk, let Him do the talking. And let His presence meet your every need.

He IS God.

Quiet the Tumult . . .

I often think how noisy the enemy of our souls is…

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For behold, Your enemies make a tumult... They have...consulted together against Your sheltered ones. Psalm 85:2-3

The trouble is, our lives are just plain noisy enough without his help. We get so busy; so many things, events, and people tugging at us in every direction. Then, add the pull of social media. Bible teacher, Beth Moore, calls this the captivity of activity.

Yes, it is the stuff of living in this day and age. Our enemy – the devil – can be right in the midst of making so much noise and so much distraction that we can completely miss the Lord’s voice to us altogether.

I alone hold the volume tuner to my heart and mind. I hear the Holy Spirit best when I am quiet, alone for a bit, and expectant. This takes practice. This takes time. It will be opposed. I have to choose what is most important – Him! And let the rest of life’s noise fall away.

Do you have a lot of noise in your life right now? It’s time to get quiet. Time for some nose-in-the-carpet time. Time for some genuine worship all by yourself. It is time to let the Prince of Peace call the playbook of our lives and quiet the tumult.


Hi Everyone! For those following Grace in the Dark, I am still writing it, however, it is a bit on hold while I finish up another project. So for now…I will be sending these short devotionals that I hope He will use to encourage your heart…

Grace in the Dark - Post #27

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Hi Everyone! So sorry for the delay! Summer became very hectic. You too? So now we are starting Chapter 4 of Grace in the Dark, the book I am prayerfully writing. Don’t worry if you are just joining, I believe you can still receive quite a bit from this teaching. Unfortunately, this is the rough draft of this chapter and I know it will undergo many edits. Nevertheless, let’s get started!


“Just stop it!”

The crowd of pastors broke out into laughter when Pastor Jerry Cook exclaimed this phrase – just stop it – was the key to all counseling. Pastor Jerry was the keynote speaker at a large gathering of pastors who full well knew that if they could stop folks from the behaviors that beset their lives, all would be better for them. Nevertheless, Pastor Jerry knew better, too – people can’t just stop a lot of their unhealthy behaviors, but boy oh boy if they could. If we could. If I could have.

If I could have stopped binging and purging, if I could have stopped fantasizing and day-dreaming hours on end, and if I could have stopped the little blue cloud of depression that seemed to follow me everywhere – well, I would have. But I couldn’t stop.

The agreements we make with the enemy about the lies he whispers to us about ourselves and about God become places of bondage. Bible teacher Beth Moore explains that a stronghold of behavior in our lives is exactly that: a place – the topos Paul spoke of – where the enemy has a strong hold on us.

We wonder why we can’t just stop. Or why we can muster up enough gumption to have self-control for a few days, maybe a few weeks, but then fall off the wagon again. Like a hamster on a wheel, we think if we just keep at it, someday all of our prayers and trying harder will finally break the back of the weight of sin we carry in certain areas of our lives.

When we can’t seem to say no, or we are unable to go for very long without indulging in the habits or hang-ups that plague us, our inability to choose the right path may indicate an area of our souls where demonic oppression may be harassing us. Now, don’t become alarmed regarding this possibility. Oh my, I know it sounds terrible. The thought of demons conjures up all kinds of images and fears, however, God’s Word tells us the truth about these limited beings.

Most Bible scholars agree that our adversary, the devil, was most likely an anointed cherub (Ezekiel 28:14-15) whom God created. The enemy was cast out of heaven when his heart became filled and lifted-up with pride and he attempted to call himself a god (Ezekiel 28:2-6,17). With Satan’s fall, it is believed that a third of God’s angelic beings went with him (Revelation 12:4). Nevertheless, the devil is in no way a peer of God and he is absolutely unlike our Heavenly Father in every way…


·        He is finite – he is one being

·        He is not omnipresent – he can only be in one place at a time

·        He is not omniscient – he is not all-knowing

·        He is not omnipotent – he is not all-powerful

·        He has a little bit of might – but he is not the Almighty God

·        He is a liar, deceiver, and accuser

·        He has never and will never reign supreme (Revelation 20:10)

The devil’s minions – the fallen angels, recognized by the Bible as demon spirits – have no physical form. The Greek New Testament word for spiritpneuma – means breath, breeze, wind. These formless spirits have little to no power except for what we allow them to have. As we read about Jesus’ earthly life and ministry through the four gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – we discover that approximately a third of His ministry dealt with facing demonic oppression head on in people. Jesus broke the hold and influence of varying demonic spirits within them – either physically, mentally, or emotionally –and He cast these badgering demons from the individual’s life.

Many of us today think the work of demons is long gone and over. We may consider that in this day and age, we are simply too sophisticated and knowledgeable to think they still exist. Nevertheless, if we believe the whole God’s Word, we must recognize this truth that Lord Jesus spoke of the devil as the ruler of this world (John 12:31, John 16:11.) Until Christ returns to reign over this planet, the devil, through his ungodly spirit hordes, still attempts to ensnare us today. Do you see the possibilities in your own life where you may have a stronghold that you can’t seem to get past?

To be continued in the next post…

Grace in the Dark - Post #26


So sorry for the day delay! The twin’s (granddaughters) birthday party! Today, we complete Chapter 3…His Platform of grace…


You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. John 15:3

New York Times best-selling author, Bob Goff, shares a story of when he was broadsided in his jeep by Lynn, an elderly woman who could not forgive herself for causing the accident. And she simply couldn’t believe Bob had forgiven her for causing him to be ejected from his vehicle. He finally sent her a huge basket of flowers to remind her, finally, that he had completely forgiven her:

I think Lynn got the message. I was fine, and I wanted her to be fine too. I wanted her to forgive herself, to realize we all make mistakes. I’m glad I ran into Lynn, and I’m glad she kept calling too. It taught me something about faith. It taught me that when God is big enough and loves me enough to say He forgives me, I should actually believe Him. I mean, I shouldn’t keep feeling bad about all of the times I’ve messed up because that’s ignoring what God said, just like Lynn ignored what I said. When I don’t trust God’s forgiveness, it’s like saying I really don’t believe He’s that good. Lynn made me think I should stop asking God to forgive me over and over when He’s made it clear He already has.[i]

We are not only clothed in God’s righteousness; we are completely forgiven.

Our Heavenly Father has completely forgiven us. Absolutely. Completely. Totally. Conclusively. He has forgiven you and me.

Again, it doesn’t matter whether we feel it or not. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, the Scriptures cannot lie. Page upon page we read that forgiveness is ours.

As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103:12

He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:13-14

Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His (Jesus) own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. Hebrews 9:12 (emphasis, mine)

In the middle of our temptations, failures, and habitually bad behaviors, Jesus is with us. His shed blood is enough – more than enough to wipe clean the stain of our sin past, present, and future. This is His grace revealed. The more quickly we seize this truth and invite Him into the middle of our stumbling, the more quickly genuine freedom can begin. And, the more intentionally we choose to stand on the platform of His undeniable forgiveness, the sooner we will sense His Spirit within us supplying tangible peace in our emotions. We can stop battling the guilt that overwhelms us and takes up so much of our time, thoughts, and emotions. Instead, we can divert our energy and prayers to focus on the real roots of our problems – our brokenness and any stronghold where we may have allowed the enemy to set up shop in our soul and torment us.

You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. Colossians 2:13-14 NLT (emphasis, mine)

Most certainly, there may be consequences for our struggles in the dark. We often do reap what we sow.[ii] We do stupid things – don’t we? Nevertheless, when we reap the consequences of our foolishness, His grace provides all we need to walk through and out of the repercussions of our ill-advised choices with His wisdom, not ours. We will discuss this further in this book. Jessie did lose almost all her close friends. However, as she began slowly receiving Jesus’ complete forgiveness and His grace in her struggle, she positioned herself for the Lord to bring new people to surround and encourage her life of faith. Soon, she became a part of a thriving ministry to help others find freedom.

Acknowledging our sin is powerful, cleansing, and necessary.[iii] Nevertheless, when we wallow in guilt and condemnation, we deny the priceless sacrifice of Jesus’ death. It is time for us to accept His grace in the dark to step out of our muck and mire and plant our feet squarely upon the amazing platform of forgiveness He has provided for us. And then, His all-sufficient grace can begin to loosen us from the knots and ties that bind us, and lead us into genuine freedom.

How does that sound? It is the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

[i] Bob Goff, Love Does (Nashville, TN: Nelson Books, 2012), 124.

[ii] Galatians 6:7-8

[iii] 1 John 1:9, Psalm 51

Grace in the Dark - Post #25

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We continue in Chapter #3 of Grace in the Dark, opening the Scriptures to His truth about our righteousness in Him. Below is a story of a dear friend and her walk in the power of this truth…


There comes a point in every Christian believer’s life where we must fully base our trust upon what God’s Word states as fact, irrespective of what we feel or what we have done. God is greater than our heart (our emotions) and knows all things – is what God’s Word tells us.[i]

Author and speaker Joyce Meyer writes;

How much time do you waste living under guilt and condemnation? Notice I said how much time do you waste, because that is exactly what all that kind of thinking is, a waste of time!

Don’t think about how terrible you were before you came to Christ. Instead think about how you have been made the righteousness of God in Him. Remember; thoughts turn into actions. If you ever want to behave any better, you have to change your thinking first. Keep thinking about how terrible you are, and you will only act worse. Every time a negative, condemning thought comes to your mind, remind yourself that God loves you, that you have been made the righteousness of God in Christ.[ii]

Jessie had blown it. Big time. Caught in the arms of a close friend’s husband, well, you can only imagine the fireworks, hurt, and pain. She hadn’t desired the attention, but sexual abuse in her childhood and a difficult marriage caused her to be both vulnerable to the friend’s attention and repel it at the same time. She feared she would not be believed if she shared with anyone about the man’s advances because she had not been believed in her youth when her stepfather had taken advantage of her. 

This event took place in the church where Randy and I were pastors. Only a few months before this incident occurred, the large healthcare organization I worked for had moved my employment into the same building Jessie worked in. Because of my relocation, I had the opportunity to minister to Jessie through this difficult time in her life in which she had lost most of her close friends because of what had taken place in her tight-knit circle. Unfortunately, people within the church took sides and many of them did not land in Jessie’s camp. Nevertheless, I recognized that Jessie’s situation could have easily been my own story several years prior. I promised to walk her through her pain into greater freedom in Christ no matter how long it might take.

Guilt, shame, dread – these were Jessie’s new best friends. The weight of guilt she felt was almost too much to bear. She told me if she hadn’t had her three children to care for and her husband who was willing to work a little harder at their marriage, she would have ended her life. But Jesus. There is nothing any one of us can ever do to separate us from His love – His grace extends to our darkest hours.[iii]

Slowly Jessie began to open her life up to receive the long-needed healing from the sexual abuse and abandonment of her early childhood. One day, next to the copier in my office area, Jessie allowed the Lord Jesus to replace lies that she believed about herself from her youth. He delved specifically into the root of where these falsehoods had lodged in her soul. He spoke truth into her heart. He set her free from years of enemy bondage. As the Holy Spirit began to go deep into her brokenness, He brought healing balm to the wounded areas of her heart and mind. His Word bore the truth of the Father’s absolute forgiveness for her based upon the finished work of His Son.[iv]

Still, each morning, as Jessie rose from her bed, condemnation came calling. She counter-acted the guilt with each step to the coffeemaker by rehearsing the truth of God’s Word:

I am forgiven.

Jesus’ sacrifice was enough.

He is making me new.

He has made me clean.

Some days of truth-telling were better than others, but she persevered. Reaching into her closet each day to pick outfit for work, Jessie declared, “I am clothed in Jesus’ righteousness, I am forgiven, I have purpose, Jesus loves me.” For her, this was grace in the dark in action. Receiving what God said over what she felt and heard in her mind. And as always, grace wins. Truth triumphs over lies.

[i] 1 John 3:20

[ii] Joyce Meyer, Battlefield of the Mind (New York, NY: Faith Words, Hachette Book Group, 1995, 2016), 172.

[iii] Romans 8:35-39

[iv] John 19:30

Grace in the Dark - Post #24

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Hi Everyone! Did you notice I didn’t post last week? Our whole family was on vacay!

Now, as we head into a new week and because of all the trajedy experienced in our globe this week, we need Jesus’ grace in the dark more than ever in our personal lives and to extend to others. Let’s continue reading in Chapter #3 as we discuss the Platform of His Grace:


It doesn’t matter what we feel or don’t feel. The truth of God’s Word is unchanging: those who receive Jesus’ finished work on the cross have been given His perfect righteousness. When we are in the storms of temptation and failure with habitual behaviors and addictions, our first steppingstone to freedom is our faith in the finished work of Jesus’ sacrifice.


For if our heart condemns us,

God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.

1 John 3:20


We may feel guilt and condemned – but those feelings aren’t from Jesus! No way. God and His Word are greater still.


Oh my. Some of us don’t feel like we are good Christians if we aren’t carrying a boatload of guilt and shame. Me too. I wanted Jesus to know how genuinely sorry I was for – everything. I was, and still am, sincerely remorseful for the junk in my life. Nevertheless, to stay, abide, dwell, or live constantly in the grip of guilt and condemnation denies the work of His horrendous sacrifice. It seems counterintuitive to receive His cleansing gift of grace, yet when we do, how much joy must it bring to His heart?


A few years ago, although I was beginning to experience greater freedom in of my life, I was having one of those moments where I pulled out the proverbial whip and was chastising myself in my thoughts. “Why did I say that? Why did I do that?” verbiage was still prevalent in my daily life. Unbidden – the Holy Spirit brought an image to my mind:


I saw a dining room table stacked high with dirty, food-caked dishes. Mound upon mound they were in messy piles all over the surface of the table. Bowls filled with moldy leftovers and plates with glued on food clumps. Do you get the picture? Out of the blue I saw a robed arm extended. Without question I knew in my heart it was the arm of Jesus.


Oh! The embarrassment of those messy piles of dishes! However, in one deliberate movement, His arm cleared the table of every piece of dingy dinnerware. Clattering, breaking on the floor upon impact, each piece was removed from the table’s surface. And before I knew it, Jesus had replaced the table’s holdings with a pristine white tablecloth, fine china, silver settings, crystal goblets, and flowers everywhere. I heard Him say firmly into my heart, “I don’t want you to ever beat yourself up again. Those thoughts are to be removed, just like those dirty dishes, and replaced by My truth.”


Have those “beat-myself-up” thoughts ever come my way again? Oh, you bet! However, they no longer have a hold upon me and are now cut off at the pass as soon as I am aware of them. I see those dirty dishes on the floor and there is no way I am going to let them back upon the table of my thoughts.


Freedom! Can you imagine how much more time is available to me now that I have cleaner, clearer thinking? Now that condemnation chatter has been silenced in my thoughts, I can better hear the Holy Spirit’s direction instead of wasting time and guilting myself. I seem to have much more time and clarity to deal with the real issues that are plaguing me. It’s not that I don’t confess my sin[i] which is oh so important in the life of a believer, but I no longer let guilt’s once tenacious grip keep me down for the count.


There comes a point in every Christian believer’s life where we must fully base our trust upon what God’s Word states as fact, irrespective of what we feel or what we have done. God is greater than our heart (our emotions) and knows all things – is what God’s Word tells us.[ii]

[i] 1 John 1:9

[ii] 1 John 3:20

Grace in the Dark - Post #23


I hope y’all are having a fantastic summer!! Thanks for joining with me as we continue on the most beautiful place to stand - the platform of God’s total forgiveness. Let’s continue in Chapter #3 . . .


The finished work of Jesus upon the cross destroyed the voice of guilt in our lives and the condemnation we feel. The resurrection of Jesus gives us the power to stand on His platform of unending forgiveness and the power to be transformed.[i] This is the work of His grace in our dark, from the inside out of our souls. This is abundant Christian living and reigning in life that Paul shares with us.


For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17 (emphasis, mine)

Did you catch the phrase . . . much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness? Christ’s very own righteousness is imputed to us.


For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21

God’s righteousness is now ours, it cannot be worked for and cannot be earned. His righteousness, simply received by our simple faith, is the foundation of our right standing with God. Our filthy grave clothes of sin replaced by the snowy white robe of His “rightness,” even though our own perfection is light-years from the perfection of Him who holds the universe together.[ii]

He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. And therefore “it was accounted to him for righteousness. Now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him, but also for us. It shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, Romans 4:20-24 (emphasis, mine)

The gift of God’s gracious, beyond-reason grace and righteousness are ours even in our darkest hours of sin and failure.

Priscilla Shirer writes:

But the cross really is the gift that keeps on giving. Because it didn’t just take something from us, it gave something miraculous to us . . .

When you trust Jesus as your personal Savior, the penalty of sin is removed and the gift of God’s own righteousness is given (imputed) to you. It is “credited” to your spiritual account. The perfection and holiness of God Himself has become yours in Christ...You no longer need to exhaust yourself striving for perfection. You are already completely, wholly, and perfectly righteous because of Christ’s gift to you.[iii]

[i] Ephesians 1:19-23

[ii] Isaiah 1:18

[iii] Priscilla Shirer, The Armor of God (Nashville, TN: Lifeway Church Resources, 2015), 76-77.