
I just love it that Jesus has no problem getting down into our stuff.

“But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.”
Matthew 9:36

My elderly father had a medical emergency this past weekend. There was a lot of know...medical...and emotional. Add also...practical and physical. Yes...just a lot of stuff.

Nevertheless, as stressful and difficult as these past few days have been, Jesus has been oh-so-present. I saw His mighty had at every turn and gazed upon His perfect timing. He delights to be in the midst of our stuff...I think stuff. The dirt, the sweat, the blood...the tears.

So what is going on in your family? What is theirs or your...stuff? No matter how ugly, difficult, seemingly hopeless it is...King Jesus is in the thick of it. Stop...let Him speak to your heart and let the Holy Spirit overwhelm you to walk through this stuff. Crack open His Word and let Him into the midst of what is going on...

Oops...gotta dad’s washer just overflowed...