I have been making necklaces again…Mind you… I have no clue what I am doing…however…has that ever stopped me?
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10
The Lord Almighty, the One and Only Creator…created us...to create. There is just something so fulfilling as getting an idea for…anything really, then making it happen. Truly…we were made in His image.
My dear friend Cory Curry relates it took God only six days to speak all that we know as this constantly enlarging and changing universe into existence. However…it took Him...nine months...to carefully knit YOU together. No matter how you feel about yourself…to Him you are a masterpiece. His finest workmanship...His poem (the original Greek wording).
If you are a little blue today…remember what you experience when you create something…anything…and how much pleasure it brings you. This is what He is feeling about you…this very minute
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