Jesus always levels the playing field…
“And He came down with them and stood on a level place with a crowd of His disciples and a great multitude of people … who came to hear Him and be healed of their diseases,”
Luke 6:17 NKJV
The fact that the King of the Universe…stoops low to be near us is beyond comprehension.
We live in a day of platform…position…and plaudits. The higher the celebrity profile, the better. Yet, Jesus always comes down to our level…meets us right where we are in the midst of our stuff…our selfishness…yes…our sin.
And I love…that with the King of Universe…the playing field is level. We come as we are because He is all sufficient and we…are not. In His eyes no one is better, higher, smarter, or more loved by Him. We don’t ever have to fear not being enough…or that someone else is more…
We simply come…and are healed.
(If you you were encouraged today by this post...please be sure to click the title...go to the blog and then click to share on Facebook! Love, Sue Bee)