
My dear friend and sistah in the faith, Marjorie, sensed the Lord wanted to give me a Bible verse filled with encouragement.

Encourage me it did…

“But I am like an olive tree, thriving in the house of God. I will always trust in God's unfailing love.”
Psalm 52:8

At first, I thought it read: “But I am like an olive tree, striving (not thriving) in the house of God...” Whaaaattt???

So…for me…and I am prompted to think for you, too….it is time to not strive and try to make things happen (i.e. job, relationships, ministry…stuff), but place each temptation to strive in our own strength and let Him…do the heavy lifting.

What is coming to mind that you are striving about right now?

It is time to…let it go… to Jesus, and place it squarely in His hands. Then watch how your heart and life thrive in Him.

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(photo: Naomi Jellison with permission)