The One...

Going after…the…one…

“What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying?  Matthew 18:12

I was that…one. Both before coming to Jesus…and after. Yes…I have strayed a few times in my life…and…I imagine that you may have too. Maybe you are lost on the mountain even now as you read this.

I am told that sheep really aren’t dumb…however…they are defenseless. This causes them to do some pretty dumb things to protect themselves. And…one thing I do know about walking with the Lord is when we try to…secure our own future or try to make our own way in life…we do some pretty dumb things. All because we have strayed from the One who holds our breath in our hands. Well….He is calling.

What are you trying to accomplish in your own strength? It is putting distance between yourself and the One who loves you beyond reason. I think it is time to stop and listen for His voice. Yes, He has been calling out your name…will you answer and be found?

It is that simple to come home.