You Follow Me...

These words are for us...

“Jesus said to him, "If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me."
John 21:22

In other words...“Quit comparing!”

For years I compared myself with others...I was either hoping that I could be like someone I saw or silently rejoicing that I wasn't similar to someone else. What poison comparison was to my soul!

I've learned the hard way (truly the School of Hard Knocks isn't all that it's cracked up to be!). The only thing I need to focus on is what Jesus is doing in my life and following closely behind Him. It is foolhardy to look to the right or the left of any path He leads me on and it is even more disastrous when I try to take someone else's path that He doesn't have for me to travel.

This is true discipleship...this is true communion with Christ.

Take it from me...a former comparer extraordinaire... there is no better way to live than have Jesus be the only One you want to emulate and follow.

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(photo: Ashley Jael with permission)