His Ways...

You never know how Jesus might work...

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD.” Isaiah 55:8

I am visiting my elderly dad. Today...I took a walk and passed the church building where Jesus came to rescue me as young girl. Where He baptized me in the Holy Spirit when I was a mere teenager. The place where I sensed His call to ministry...that changed the trajectory of my life.

I am so glad He works in ways we can’t figure out. That the seemingly random choice for my parents to buy a humble home in a then humble neighborhood would have such an impact on a life...amazes me.

He has the details of your life in His hands, too. If some things are still a puzzle, don’t worry...Jesus knows what He is doing and He always...knows best. So...trust Him with every detail then stand back a watch Him create a masterpiece.