Oh, give thanks to the Lord!
“Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.” Psalm 36:5
At work yesterday...we last stragglers who didn’t take the day off...all asked each other how we were spending the holiday. You know...who is cooking, what is being cooked, how many will be feasting. Of course, everyone groaned when I shared Randy and I would be driving 400 miles to Los Angeles right after work. Traffic, traffic, traffic! Next...cheers when they found I wasn’t cooking (my mother-in-law is the bestest chef!).
Bottom line...I am so thankful...for everything in my life. I told Randy the other night after receiving another clear CTscan report...I don’t ever want to be like the nine healed lepers who didn’t come back to Jesus and worship. I resolve to be more grateful...24/7/365. Really.
It is the only way to live...even when stuff isn’t yet resolved...because He has never failed me yet and His love and faithfulness are without end. I can trust Jesus...with everything. I choose to do so...with praise on my lips and my hands upraised. Will you join me?
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