The Star...

The Bethlehem star can teach us a few things about guidance...

“Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.”
Matthew 2:1-2

Like the Wise Men...we need to look up! All our direction comes from the One Who made us. Our earthly circumstances, though used by God, shouldn’t guide our decisions. Only the leading of the Holy Spirit in line with His Word. And...wherever Jesus is leading us...will be filled with His light. In other words...He won’t lead us into something dark or oppressive. Even the most difficult things He is guiding us into…fill us with His joy.

We should check in daily with Him to know we are still on the right page. Just as the wise men surely had to keep their eye on the prize with daily calculations.

Finally, we need to stop when He stops…move only when He tells us to…and be patient! It may have taken the Magi two years to reach their final destination…it was worth the wait.

Yes...this star of still...pretty special...

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