I am reminded this week…that worship…is often warfare…
“Let the high praises of God be in their mouth,
And a two-edged sword in their hand,”
Psalm 149:6
When we worship…things breakthrough in the heavenly realm that can miraculously change things in our physical realm…yes…worship can do this. There are just too many Bible stories that record this…and too many life experiences to discount it.
No…we don’t worship to “get.” However, when we DO genuinely worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords…whether in a corporate church gathering, with a small group somewhere, or even the bathroom stall at work (yes…even there!)…things break loose…we break loose…
Genuine worship…causes fear(s) to cease…it can calm our hearts in a “storm” because we are setting our minds on WHO HE IS and declaring with our lips that Jesus is LORD. And…worship can calm life’s storms themselves. We are entering the throne room and bringing heaven’s rule to bear in ours and other’s situations.
This is why we need to be worshipers…why we need (as Paul often writes) to live grateful lives…especially when life looks dark.
Yes…worship is warfare…so whatever you are facing right now…instead of texting, facebooking, and emailing…someone else…go to the throne room, first. Stay until you have touched heaven, ask for a scripture to strengthen you…then see what HE does next.
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photo: Coffee Press