Where do you go to find comfort when hurting, lonely, or discouraged?
"In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul." Psalms 94:19
I am so often amazed that when I'm in need of comfort....over any type of situation...I will turn everywhere, but to the Lord. I sense there is a reader who is doing that very thing.
Yes...we may turn to Christian friends for help and prayer, but really, if all they can offer is sympathy or empathy, well, that won't cut it. They may console...but are they discerning enough to bring real counsel and healing?
Do we turn to familiar behaviors to find solace? You know, the behaviors we are not so proud of, but they bring a momentary relief. We turn to them because they are quick, easily attainable, and....well, oh so familiar. Have these "friends" ever really helped? Or, just delayed the inevitable pain for a few minutes?
Finding comfort only in Jesus takes a step of faith on our part. Will He really come through? Can we experience true relief, peace, and strength only in Him? Will He be enough?
Dear one, you won't know until you get alone with Him and not leave until you feel (yes, I said "feel") something from the great Comforter, the Holy Spirit. Don't leave until you get a gold nugget from His written Word, the Bible. That you can stand on....no matter HOW you feel.
So...quit tossing and turning to the right and the left, to past comforts or seeking new comforts. Whatever it is you are going through, HE is all-sufficient to take care of you and your situation...Jesus' comfort will not only bring relief, peace, and strength beyond measure...it will be a balm of healing oil to your aching heart.
photo: Mark Lane Coffee