At the Start of This Week...

At the start of this week…

Should you wake up one morning tired, crabby, cranky…you name it! Fall to your knees asap! He is waiting to restore and refresh you. He has assignments for you that you don’t want to miss. He has a loving word to whisper in your ear that you need to hear! And see…if the His Spirit doesn’t lift you on eagle’s wings!

Should your scale look high, your bank account low, and your relationship with your bff, spouse, kids, co-workers, or school-mates be sagging in the middle somewhere…look to the Lord for HIS wisdom. What you have been doing may not be working. He will give you new direction and vision.

Should need a way…where there seems to be no-way. This is God’s specialty! However, you have to place it firmly in HIS hands and…Keep your hands OFF. See what He does.

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes that will be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because Who is in you is greater than anything!
1 John 4:4

photo: Beth Kirby via Flickr