Let's Prepare...

If you are reading this…it is most likely a Saturday evening or a Sunday morning…

“Go through, Go through the gates!
Prepare the way for the people;
Build up, Build up the highway!
Take out the stones,
Lift up a banner for the peoples!”
Isaiah 62:10

It kinda goes with the territory that I fellowship with a local church…quite regularly. It kinda helps that I am married to a pastor. And…

Like most church gatherers (for we don’t “go” to church…we ARE the church…right?), well…those church participants of the female persuasion, I clean up: I wash my hair, put on make-up, find some clean jeans and a not too goofy t-shirt to wear.

I prepare my English muffin with almond butter and a good cup of coffee. I find my Bible, my purse, my phone. I prepare…almost everything…but do I prepare my heart?

Am I prepared to welcome a move of the Holy Spirit during worship? Am I prepared to be good soil so that His Word spoken and taught will go deep in me…and bear fruit? Am I prepared to pray for the sick, the broken, the lost? Have I invited the Lord to work through me with His gifts?

Just food for thought…let’s go…and take a few moments…to truly prepare…what’s important…


photo: Made From Scratch