Are you…worried…upset…concerned…or anxious about something?
"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life…”
Matthew 6:25a
The original New Testament Greek word for “worry” is so interesting…
Merimnao: “To divide in parts.” The word suggests a distraction, a preoccupation with things causing anxiety, stress, and pressure.
Gosh, that sounds like “worry” to me…to be pulled in so many directions trying to figure out the resolution to a troubling situation of problem. “Scattered” and feeling torn apart or undone by worry, hmmmmm…that is not a very satisfying…or rewarding way to live.
Sometimes we think that worry is the responsible thing to do, excusing our preoccupation with it. However, in Christ, to worry is to say that He is not big enough, smart enough, wise enough, or He lacks the resources to help us in our need…Really? And yet…that is what our worry is stating.
How about we do a preemptive strike against the enemy? Let’s soak in all of Jesus words concerning our life found in Matthew 6:19-34…I mean really soak. Then, let’s invite the Holy Spirit to fill us with His faith as we choose to believe what Jesus says is true. Next…we will rest in His arms, and finally, we will obey implicitly when He gives us direction.
He is more than enough to meet our every concern….
photo: Back Home Again Vintage