Psalm 63...

“Because Your lovingkindness is better than life,”

Sit on that phrase for a while. What has been ruling your life? My life? Robbing us of His lovingkindness…His unfailing…love? Because whatever it is…that thing, person, passion of ours can’t compete with God’s promise to satisfy our souls. Quite literally, our hearts and minds…our very being. Yes…marrow and fatness He promises

And…our thoughts?

“I meditate on You in the night watches.”

Are our thoughts consumed with Him? His beauty? His power and glory? And if they are not…we have a choice…I choose…Him. Over the chatter of empty mind patterns that distract. Tracking with me? Again “why” are we so enthralled with His beauty? Because…

“You have been my help, 
Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice."

Yes…this is the place to be. Tucked in close…to His heart. And when my soul…yes, my heart…everything my heart cherishes and yearns for. And…my mind (my thoughts and choices) follow close behind Him…the great promise of Psalm 63 that we have been reading is fulfilled:

His very right Hand…will uphold…me...



photo: Bojon Gourmet