Time to be Free...

Quite literally…lies…are the root of every…bondage…stronghold…or addiction.

As the Lord Jesus has lavishly granted tremendous freedom from my past…and insecurities, shame, pride…well just about anything you can think of…lies…were the lynchpin that kept the enemy’s grip on my life.

This explains so much of what Scripture is trying to tell us…from the Genesis to Revelation…we are in a war: lies vs. Truth.

“Because with lies you have made the heart of the righteous sad,
Who I have not mad sad;
And you have strengthened the hand of the wicked…”
Ezekiel 13:22a

If this is news to you…and you have wondered why you have long struggled…in areas of your life, though you have prayed and sought the Lord for release, read Ezekiel 13 in light of your own life. And…John 8.

Yes, Jesus…the Truth…will set you free…however it is time to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the lies…that you believe about yourself…and God.

It is time to be sad no longer.


For my own story of the Lord's freedom from lies...please check out "Refresh" on Amazon or click this blog's title and go to the "store" on www.sueboldt.com