You know…I rarely leave my home…without my clothes on.
How about you?
Yet…how many times do we leave home…without our armor on? Me? Often. Again…how about you?
“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11
As we make our way through Ephesians 6:10-20 (see yesterday’s post for vs.10)…I think the apostle Paul is trying to impress upon us two things:
1. We are in a battle…living on a battle field called Planet Earth.
2. We need to be fully prepared…we need the full extent of God’s battle wardrobe for us…His armor, to be completely covering us.
Yes…our adversary is mighty. However, our GOD is ALMIGHTY. Still, our Father has entrusted us with His Spirit and given us the Name of His Son to defeat the enemy. He has placed in our hands this great commission to rescue souls, lay hands on the sick, defeat the devil’s torment in lives, and bring justice to wrongs. We need to be fully surrendered…
We need to be fully clothed.
Have you put His armor on today?
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(photo: Her New Tribe)