Where My Feet Fall...

I, for one…would like my every footstep to count.

I know…I wrote about this recently, nevertheless, it bears repeating as we arm ourselves as believers…with God’s Armor…(see previous posts for this journey through Eph. 6:10-20).

“…and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;”
Ephesians 6:15

It’s hard to believe…but each of who believe and have staked our lives upon the reality of the Lord Jesus…we have the potential to bring heaven down wherever our feet trod.

Most of the time…I don’t even pay attention to where I am going…and nor am I aware of this heavenly assignment…yet…things are changing for me. Even if I live on earth many more years…time is running out for those around me. I don’t have a footstep to waste…

With my every stride…may the good news of Jesus’ gospel be proclaimed through my life…and…let heaven’s riches reign upon the lost and weary lambs He places in my path.

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