Let's Hold it Tightly...

Our sword in battle...

“And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;”
Ephesians 6:17

As we have been journeying through Ephesians 6:10-20 (see previous posts)...ever so briefly learning about the battle around us, we now come now to our offensive weapons. The first being the sword of His Word. Yes...it is this God breathed Word that brings healing to us...and this God breathed word that annihilates our adversary the devil.

This...sword...well...we gotta have a death grip on it. I mean...we have to have our hands, heads, and hearts so wrapped around it, that no weapon of hell could ever pry it loose from us. It is HIS word that has AUTHORITY...not our words. And, HIS WORD on our lips that wreaks havoc on demon strongholds over people, situations, families...and nations.

Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a passage of scripture for what you’re are burdened about. He will give it to you...you know. Then speak it over what troubles you. Pray it and speak it in the name of Jesus. Keep declaring and praying as the Spirit leads you. Let God ignite this weapon you wield...it is your ammunition. Your only ammunition.

It is time to grab this sword...and not let go.