Eternal Footprints...

Leaving eternal footprints…

“How beautiful upon the mountains 
Are the feet of him who brings good news, 
Who proclaims peace, 
Who brings glad tidings of good things, 
Who proclaims salvation, 
Who says to Zion, "Your God reigns!"
Isaiah 52:7

Everyday…it seems I take a lot of steps. Steps around the busy medical clinic I work at, steps through my favorite market (Trader Joe’s!), steps around my neighborhood as I attempt to jog…steps…yes, steps. Lots of them.

God’s Word tells me that I have the potential…to leave eternal footsteps. That touched my heart today. I want every step I take…to count. I want to walk where He is leading me to walk and seize the everlasting opportunities Holy Spirit places all around me. Yes…

Everywhere I go…may my steps (actions, prayers, heart, words, thoughts, and words) proclaim…my God reigns!

Want to join me?


(Did this impact your heart today? YOU have beautiful feet...according to the Lord! How about...where ever you or I go today or whatever we face...let's whisper or proclaim boldly,  "Our God Reigns!" He will move in our midst, of that I am certain!)