At His Feet...

You know...When our lives feel heavy...our prayers powerless...our time in the Word lackluster...the sense of His presence only a memory. We have taken a detour somewhere. Usually a detour from His grace. And His love.

Been there. Done that.

“For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments.
And His commandments are not burdensome.”
1 John 5:3

It’s hard to imagine the words “grace” and “commandments” in the same sentence. Nevertheless they belong together. Jesus' commandments? He tells us to love Him first...and everybody else the way we want to be loved (Mark 12:30-31). And when that is difficult...or a burden...we are trying to live in our own strength. Pure and simple.

So if you came to read this feeling...guilt, heaviness, shame, discouragement, less-than...well...just knock it off. Really. Don’t receive these lies from the pit. Because...

“For if our heart condemns us,
God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.”
1 John 3:20

Time to take a load off at the feet of King Jesus.

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(photo: Brie Williams)