Looking Forward...

You know…it is kind of a big event…this New Year’s thing...

“...and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith,”
Hebrews 12:2a

It is a good time to remember…how much His grace kept us and held us, even when we resisted. How the hard, even life-shattering days, were made softer by His presence…and, if we let Him…those difficult times actually turned to gold, by the power of the Holy Spirit in us.

And…the joys! Oh the joys! Did His joy permeate our lives this year? Was this a year of great gratefulness…that each day…I had received another day of life and adventure walking…with Him??

So yes…take inventory with honest eyes. Let Him make some adjustments….and then…look forward…oh yes…forward… 2016 will be grand expedition in the Lord Jesus Christ…when we set our gaze firmly upon Him.

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